BillMax Release Notes

BillMax 2024 Q4 4.0.10364 10/08/2024

Major New Functionality

  • BillMax 2024 has been ported to Debian and tested extensively. This upgrade will require a Debian server. CentOS 7 has passed EOL and new releases will no longer be offered for CentOS 7. As part of the upgrade process the BillMax database will be converted to InnoDb and the character set to UTF8.
  • REST API endpoints are available for most major objects. Review Swagger documentation from the BillMax website for details.
  • Creation and storage of FCC Broadband Labels for open Facilities-Based Broadband Services.
  • API Integration with Calix Cloud Services for subscriber authentication.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

  • Revised BDC reporting. Now supports FCC release value in fabric dataset. Schema changed so fabric now has release and key now is location id and release. When running merge, the release must be supplied.
  • Added display of the number of locations in merge output when the coverage is merged with the Fabric Locations. The number of locations should give early warning for those cases where the merge resulted in less than the expected number of location due to coverage data issues.
  • Added code during invoicing such that if Account setting 'User For Place Code' is not set but there is one and only one User with a Place Code set, User For Place Code will be set to this User. This changes affects customers using the Avalara tax engine.
  • Removed Tax Class and Taxable from display of Invoice Fees if using the Avalara tax engine.
  • Added code to set BillMax_error if error is "no more rows".
  • Added Account Profile and Account Class to XML.
  • Updated the efpstate record when an Unknown or Held refund has been 'ACCEPTED'. The activity note was modified also.
  • Fixed Lat/Long display on User Index List where Lat and Long were reversed.
  • Added code to see if doInvoicing exceeds the number of errors so that the last run date will not be modified.
  • Improved performance of slow unposting of statement by adding account to summary queries for payhist and efpstate.
  • Added ticket CSR notification hook. If present the hook will fire instead of sending the email to the CSR. The script is expected to format the message as desired then send the email.
  • Added account note when account paytype is switched to cash-check as a result of payment method edit or delete.
  • Fixed the sending of messages to the customer if the customer(user) has no email address on file.
  • Changed day phone number on user to be the primary phone. Will be needed for notifications.
  • Fixed false duplicates for new customers by escaping field names in duplicate customer check
  • .
  • Added multiple packages and independent services to createcust. It also accepts pricing as money.
  • Added Notes to Account Profiles.
  • Added code to clear Next Due Date and CC/Echeck from overview when an Invoice has been paid.
  • Added contract length to product definitions.
  • Fixed setting on Packages/Services for service openings to default based on setting on Virtual Company.
  • Fixed SQL error on Requeue Documents if blank line deleted after a parenthesis.
  • Fixed calendar display error for an appointment if the User was deleted. Appointments are now deleted when deleting a User.
  • Added setting for scheduled Price Changes to not effect Service under Contract ever, until the contract expires, or immediately on the Change Date.
  • Changed HTTP method from POST to GET for Serverplus subscriber endpoints per their request.
  • In createcust, multiple packages and independent services can be added. Pricing is accepted as money.
  • Added facility to bill Package One Time Items from Package Wench. A setting allows for these billings to not be billed unless other transactions are also being billed.
  • Added new setting for Sales items. Billing Modifier - On Package Open is for package elements to be billed when the package is opened and not before.

BillMax 2023 Q3 4.0.9655 08/03/2023

Major New Functionality

  • Integration with Avalara's AvaTax solution. Taxes and fees are calculated based on a Transaction/Service pair from the product and a Place Code based on the Service location.
  • A new version is available of Invoices, Billing Statements and Statements to streamline bill presentation.
  • Expanded permission model so that Authorized Roles can be created with more specific permissions and porting from one system to another.
  • BDC Report - major revision.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

  • Changed the setting of FROM environment variable to queue's fromemail value (if populated) when sending notification emails. This allows notifications to work in cases where the relay host insists that the email originate from the relay email account. MS36, Google and others have this requirement.
  • Fixed for differing taxable amounts by taxitem - needed for Fusf.
  • Added logic for no serialization of hook executions.
  • Added status field on a Tax Item in a Tax Group to allow discontinuation.
  • Added new field for communication opt-outs on User. Currently only used in Email Customers in Bulk.
  • Changed verbiage on Account Status Reasons from Expired to Cancellation and from Customer Request to Voluntary Suspension.
  • Added a flag for the close of day batch process to close Account/User/Service rather than suspend first when Reasons are set to Expired/Cancellation when an End Date is entered.
  • Added new invoicing program.
  • Fixed display of note table listing. Was missing new column for delivery status.
  • Fixed ticketing so replies are always associated with the proper ticket when using AWS SES.
  • Added BillMax_mkdir.
  • Added postgres repo and postgres 14 libraries. Needed for perl-DBD-Pg.
  • Added active service count to product listings.
  • Added Payment Plan for an item to paid out over time such as installation.
  • Fixed regex check on d01 if list is used.
  • Added parallel cc/echeck batch option. Added logic to catch transactions between time of cc/echeck batch and processing so charge is not attempted.
  • Added terms by service definition. Terms defined by setting on service definition and a general terms setting in edge.php.
  • Added notes to trap profile changes.
  • Added checking the payhist table run in parallel processes.
  • Added functionality to set accountclass in createcust and to add acct invoice field with account class description.
  • Added statsPut edge service. Adds stat associated with service or servdef tierplan (if only one of that type per account), can add stat not associated with tierplan, can add pending charge (quantity * servdef.iprice) for one time items.
  • Added check in staff interface that data is in utf-8 character set.
  • Added client secret and phone number to error message.
  • Added new options for one page signup to redirect to URL upon success and send email to customer.
  • Added a note for reasons why a transaction (in batch) is skipped.
  • Changed verbiage for County, Parish, Borough based on State/Country.
  • Added option to Cancel Service Change for a Scheduled Service Change. If the Service is Closed, the Service Change is automatically cancelled.
  • Fixed reporting URL for IPPay list.
  • Changed limit on techavailable options to active ones on User and payhist checking to Accounts with payhist records.
  • Added lastcdrdate for automated retrieval, process tracking.
  • Added support for looking up cdrs where multiple services have same number (dates should not overlap).
  • Added default for number of days to look back.
  • Fixed Sales Report so that reporting by service definition shows internal name (servdef.descr) not the billing name (
  • Changed so location information not sent for outbound Toll Free.
  • Changed Customer Portal Loginid to default to the email address if the account is new.
  • Added ticket close to close program and moved lastclosetimestamp and lastclosebyempl to library.
  • Changed redirect if Cognito used from /login to /authorize.
  • Added cdrexclude list.
  • Added index for locationuser.
  • Fixed error that prevented refunds via Nacha module.
  • Added Last Modified and Last Closed to ticket listing and changed verbiage to Last Activity from Last Updated.
  • Changed billdetail from input to text to allow more data.
  • Modified msgload to check for duplicate files. Duplicate files are silently not loaded.
  • Modified notes so the same note will not be written but an update will occur to update contextcount.
  • Added percentages that could be specified for Actual CDR method if CDRs absent.
  • Added author to error message to help in debug.
  • Modified taxservice location based invoices/statements using current format as well as taxservice display for regular invoices.
  • Fixed bug in Deposit Return Invoices.
  • Fixed issue where forking did not output error lines.
  • New error messages check service, user, account null enddates against status closed/collections.
  • Modified to allow newer permissions for auth column to be specified. Did not change default.
  • Fixed slow query in getBillListing().
  • Fixed sorting so descending order returned non-zero first.
  • Fixed removing quotes when doing split.
  • Modified permissions for enter_pop, enter_ap and listing of pops/aps.
  • Added some restrictions on granting AUTH_SUPER_USER access.
  • Added facility to reverse entire invoice.
  • Added Licensed-by-Rule Terrestrial technology code (72).
  • Fixed writing efpdata record if record not found (in echeckreturn processing).
  • Fixed showing discount block if any price greater than 0, not just First Price.
  • Added Account notes for credit card declines.
  • Fixed reporting of bad locations instead of good.
  • Fixed Deposits so that they can now have TAXGROUP_TAXSERVICE.
  • Allow beginning balances to be unconditionally deleted.
  • Added type and color to bdccoverage table. These fields are needed for the "Service Map By AP" report.
  • Added VoIP output to the BDC report. Report has 3 different ways to report VoIP. 1) count services 2) use service quantity 3) use VoIP line count (Avalara).
  • Added subscription only option to the BDC report. This file can be used for the subscription portion of the BDC report.
  • Added cnHeat output option on BDC report page. This file output has the subscription data needed when Cambium's cnHeat is used for filing the BDC report.
  • Fixed regex for parsing mimetype from File command.
  • Fixed bug for computing invoice total.
  • Fixed logging of userGet errors and added loginid to information logged.
  • Added setup value (zero) to prepaid skus. Necessary to prevent errors in client.
  • Fixed query related to prepaid card services and hotspot.
  • Relaxed checks in online order so that minimum input by the customer is possible when using the hotspot functionality.
  • Added missing libjwt-devel package.
  • Fixed check for technology.
  • Modified asset uniqueness to include Access Point.
  • Added ticket notification including note content when note added to ticket. BillMax User must subscribe to note notification.
  • Added unauthorized to list of routes not subject to edge login.
  • Added prepaidonly filter for SKUs.
  • Added setting on Accounts to suppress the document fee from being billed.

BillMax 2022 Q3 4.0.9154 08/08/2022

Major New Functionality

  • Customer Portal now supports document signature for Terms and Conditions. A copy of the document is saved to the Account.
  • Email Customers in Bulk added to email easily customers filtering by many parameters(City, Zip, Virtual Company, etc). A report showing who the email was sent to is available
  • New AWS SES email service is available. Within BillMax, emailed documents are noted when they were delivered and opened by customers.
  • BDC Report added. FCC 477 modified to use new technology codes.
  • Added new reports for Revenue Generating Units.
  • New Mikrotik queue program.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

  • Fixed move User.
  • Fixed display of labels for lat/long in POP listing.
  • Fixed the Service Map by Access Point.
  • Added Package Setup report.
  • Added support for making check refunds as not eligible for bank deposits.
  • Fixed Accountclass display for Service Definitions.
  • Fixed the Service Definition setting to honor no provisioning.
  • Modified public url to be Virtual Company specific.
  • Fixed use of profile defaults when shopping by Virtual Company in the Customer Portal.
  • Fixed checking service invdate in the past.
  • Provided default for subject when sending emails from addFiles.
  • Fixed error that prevented move to another Virtual Company.
  • Added support for restoring multiselect. Added params to be passed to custom report if needed.
  • Fixed use of sku flags to show one time charges labeled as such in Customer Portal.
  • Added ticket originator.
  • Added misc fields to Ticket display.
  • Added change to show emails from Postfix if being used.
  • Fixed settlement files for IPPay changes.
  • Fixed using billingname not Company from config.
  • Fixed wrong regex used for Bank routing.
  • Revised mikrotik code to use SSL encryped communication.
  • Added settings to see color code and to clear a color code for APs.
  • Added filtering by account class to Sales Report, Store Credit Activity Report and Balance Forward Report.
  • Fixed error message in Radius code.
  • Added indexes to POP/AP/Coverage tables to speed up queries.
  • Fixed bug in Store Credit report.
  • Fixed bankDepositIIFenddate by removing extraneous lines.
  • Fixed dbck results now that accountbillingdates used in determining if invdate has passed.
  • Added census lookup and address verification to AP.
  • Added coverage map to AP.

BillMax 2022 Q1 4.0.8895 01/19/2022

Major New Functionality

  • Customer Portal accepts one time payments where payment method is not retained. This option is available on a processor basis.
  • Customer Portal can collect an authorization for use of a credit card or bank account.
  • Customer Portal shopping cart now has the option to shop by Virtual Company.
  • Customer Portal can support Social Login (single sign-on) via AWS Cognito tokens.
  • Added printed overdue notices.
  • Added ability to define new permission levels and to set permission for programs and interface actions without the need to recompile or rebuild the CGI action table.
  • Added integration for Market Broadband's Radius Mailing Program for WISPs.
  • Added immediate viewing of documents and uploaded files when clicked.
  • Updated to use the 2020 census data.
  • Added banner to Accounts if POP/Access Point's Operational Status is not equal to Normal.
  • Added ability to send emails to users on selected POP/Access Points using an email template.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

  • Fixed default template listing for Acknowledge New Template and Acknowledge Close Template.
  • Fixed description of "transfer cash in" transaction from guarantor now lists correct account number.
  • During shopping, slave service no longer causes "user 0 not found" error when generating invoice in memory.
  • Added additional validation rules for efpdata.
  • Added regex for valid characters and so zip and bank routing work for both USA and Canada.
  • Changed URL for geocoding per the ArcGis notice.
  • Removed POP on General or Item Sale and set the transaction POP to the User POP. Fixed error with service change on POP.
  • Fixed report_balcheck so that it can repair errors that occur before financial close date.
  • Added 'Super User' and 'Billing Administration' to authorization levels.
  • Renamed 'Administration' authorization level to 'Configuration' to better describe its intended use.
  • Modified so that the 'Super User' level is required to modify any permission setting within BillMax.
  • Values for ntaxable/taxable are not longer reversed if taxable value with no tax occurs, due to very small values.
  • Fixed error where dbck would not report all d01-10 conflicts due to skipping services. Also, dbck now does a case insensitive comparison of values.
  • Location based HTML billing statement now displays "Amount for Fee" if assessed taxitem is a Fee.
  • Corrected generate coverage program database connection. Now handles remote databases.
  • Modified staff interface to set source for latitude and longitude to "Manual" if CSR manually changes either latitude or longitude.
  • Fixed radius attribute operation setting in staff interface.
  • Removed Subordinate Only setting on Service Definitions. Use Recurring Service Fee instead.
  • Added 'status' option to radius server management script.
  • Separated Census lookup from Geocoding processing. Changes to latitude or longitude, whether through Geocoding or not will result in retrieval of Census values.
  • Added checks for non valid characters in credit card and Echeck account data. Some processors restrict what characters can be submitted.
  • Added check for valid postal code (zip) in credit card and Echeck account data.
  • Corrected customer portal registration so POP and AP are initialized.
  • Added settings for ticket state and problem resolution when creating ticket in customer portal.
  • Corrected bad SQL in FCC477 report.
  • Corrected erroneous error reporting on state FIPS code in FCC 477 report.
  • Modified credit card and Echeck batch processing so processing is not aborted for certain "soft" errors. In particular, allocation errors will not cause efpbatch to be terminated.
  • Corrected SQL used to save manually modified coverage data.
  • Modified provisioning variable checking so 'Required' is no longer checked if the service or package is in the 'Closed' state.
  • Modified radius server management so management script is now used to check server status rather than
  • Added regular expression checking of bank routing number. This change will accommodate the 8 digit routing number in Canada.
  • Modified customer portal so data usage can now be shown by calendar month. Added full support of showing usage by day but only limited radius info.
  • Modified customer portal form submission so buttons are disabled and visually changed to indicate form has been submitted. Change should eliminate double submits.
  • Fixed filtering by Account Class if the profile Account Class is not set.
  • Fixed the EFP 'state' parameter is included in the query for an eligible payment to see what is voidable.
  • Fixed host name for database now retrieved from billmax.conf and not hard coded to localhost.
  • Fixed checking on provisioning fields if state is closed.
  • Fixed reference to appointment when creating a note.
  • Added mkbatchprocessgroup for loading batch process groups and associated processes. If group or process already exists, no row is added to the group or process tables.
  • Added priority to radius groups. Provisioning script will need to look up priority and use accordingly.
  • Added rotation of edge xml files. Note this truncates the log files using reuse option. So rotation can be done while edge is running.
  • Modified logic for adding Fiber to deployment. Residential/Commercial flag now taken into account.
  • Added compile option to determine Residential/Commercial status from account.taxtype instead of
  • Fixed service change error that occurred when the change date match a prebill date.
  • Added transid, efpid for easier cross reference with processor.
  • Use taxtype for Residential/Commercial status in VoIP reporting.
  • Added index to statechange table to speed up report_ticketactivity. Added index for ap to user and pop to ap. Added sessionid indexes to auth and user.
  • Revised user/service tree view in staff portal when associated with an asset.
  • Fixed link to Help->Check for Updates.
  • Updated error messaging on FCC 477 steps for POPs and Access Points.
  • Added the ability to edit the edge.php file through the staff portal.
  • Modified the consideration of auth.state in tech assignment.

BillMax 2021 Q2 4.0.8623 5/30/2021

Upgrade Notes

  • ⚠️ If broadband is being sold, the popregions List is used and the version being upgraded is prior to version 7662, make sure the Package/Service Definitions have the FCC classification set correctly before upgrading. Otherwise the new pop and ap tables will be incorrectly populated.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

  • Processor Void button for payments now shows correctly for multi-merchant sites.
  • Deletion of payment during Processor Void for payments sometimes failed due to database selection criteria. This has been fixed.
  • Population of new pop and ap tables during upgrade is now limited to considering services that are broadband. These are determined by the associated Package/Service Definition FCC classification.

BillMax 2021 Q2 4.0.8617 5/25/2021

Major New Functionality

  • Clone for Packages/Services now perform a deep clone including all Package elements.
  • Integration with Zoho CRM that syncs BillMax Account and User to Zoho contact.
  • Allow for one Recurring Service/Package Definition to be used for multiple Virtual Companies.
  • Integration with NetSuite.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

  • Modified portal to include an option to aggregate radius usage by day.
  • Fixed validation for POP and AP setting of target User when moving a Service to target User.
  • Fixed check for profile use on Virtual Company when Account Profile is the default for another Virtual Company.
  • Updated the 'from' address to be the same as the 'to' address to avoid an issue with relays insisting the from address be on their server.
  • Added customer name and email to email content.
  • Updated error checking so the aeskey age is not checked if tokenization is active.
  • Added invoice detail lines options in JSON for the invoicetotalpreview program.
  • Added protection to prevent SQL injection into customer portal login/registration services.
  • Modified Bundle definition to remove customer portal info as bundles are not sold in the portal.
  • Fixed setting the statefips when a user is copied.
  • Fixed slow loading of existing Accounts with many transactions so that the number of transactions to view is now honored.
  • Fixed search for Packages/Services with a status of No New Users.
  • Enhanced the search for User POPs, APs, and POPs on the item definition.
  • Fixed the transaction description on the FCC 499.
  • Fixed the display of the FCC Upload and Download rates in the Recurring Service/Package list.
  • Added a designated Virtual Company by honoring the sort order setting. Top Virtual Company is the default.
  • Fixed the POP state in generic listing of POPs.
  • Modified ticketing email gateway to place auto response emails into the Trash queue.
  • Added support for data imports from Sonar.
  • Modified tier plan usage default for 'can go down' setting to true as this is most often the correct setting.
  • Fixed the fee services so that secondary or tertiary pricing is not set since they are not valid for fee services.
  • Added autocomplete for searching for POPs on Users.
  • Added new batch script to populate missing census data given latitude and longitudes on the BillMax User.
  • Added script to merge FCC csv files. Useful in case where the report is derived from two separate BillMax instances.
  • Modified perl scripts that use SSL and certificates to use the new method of passing credentials.
  • Modified radius provisioning so script no longer fails when there is no radreply record during the rename action.
  • Modified deployment output to avoid duplicate problem caused by 2 or more non wireless(fiber mostly) services in the same block and same technology but different Virtual Companies (but named the same).
  • Added support for credit card processors that require that the refund transaction ID match that of the original ID. See RefundNeedOrgTransID setting that is needed by some Canadian merchants.
  • Fixed - The deletion of tax item is not allowed if it is part of any invoice.
  • Fixed - Trap use of illegal characters in password for portal certificate.
  • Modified portal(edge) daemon so program no longer crashes if database connection fails.
  • Created new general purpose perl module for various BillMax perl utility functions.
  • Added regular expression check for bank routing number. Canadian 8 digit routing number now possible.
  • Added support for billing, viewing, etc for Preseem usage data.
  • Modified portal to include ServerPlus endpoint(services). ServerPlus is no longer a standalone application.
  • Fixed - check for POPs still in use now checks User table.
  • Fixed error where statement can be associated and thus sent to the wrong account.
  • Added entering an alternate Service Address while entering a new Account.
  • Added collecting "Lead Source" on an Account and reporting it on the Advertising report.
  • Added confirmation when deleting an option set for Reports.

BillMax 2020 Q4 4.0.8478 12/18/2020

Major New Functionality

  • Added the ability to add Custom fields to tables. Tables currently supported POP and AP.
  • Expanded Select Fee Groups to support matching recurring fees/one time fees to city, state, country, tax region and pop. Also, make the selection required or not, and have the ability to create a default.
  • Modified invoice names to ensure invoice processing works correctly in cases where there is more than one active job for the account.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

  • Moved technology to AP from the Pop.
  • Added functionality so that proration behavior is inherited for recurring fees.
  • Added functionality for loading test files on test boxes/demo databases.
  • Added functionality for the removal of demo dataset and added the verification of the AES Key during installation.
  • Fixed saving setting for "Display Service/Package Name" and "Display Service/Package Description" on a definition.
  • Fixed sending payment notices.
  • Added automated discounts to the Future Billing report.
  • Fixed check for pop/ap to Open and Suspended statuses only.
  • Modified "Not Attempted" setting to Address Verification to all CSR to correct an address and not send it back to USPS to be verified.
  • Fixed Enddate so it does no propagate to Closed entities.
  • Fixed display for dropdown widget on various pages.
  • Added functionality to control whether log files are generated by Batch Group Processing.
  • Fixed filename to be the filename on disk instead of the file name used during uploading cdr files.
  • Added LTE to list of infrastructure technologies.
  • Added functionality so that the IIF file now handles writeoffs of imported beginning balances.
  • Bookkeeping report now honors writeoff Charge Type if different than original transaction.
  • Added Package/Service to the display of the Sales report when detail selected.
  • Fixed population of the commission table when payhist is not updated.
  • Modified mikrotik.c to use the new login method. The old md5 hashed dance is no longer supported.
  • Updated the IPPay card updater process where an expiration date of a credit card changes but not the token and vice versa.
  • Updated the IPPay card updater program to use the correct report type and modified it to simulate updates where an expiration date of a credit card changes but not the token and vice versa.
  • Modified FCC 477 report to improve performans and fix bad SQL statement. Also modified to not check AP radius setting if AP technology type is not wireless.
  • Fixed CGI based portal endpoint to properly read its configuration file.
  • Fixed alterplan so reason for non open state of sub services is set correctly.

BillMax 2020 Q3 4.0.8380 10/27/2020

Major New Functionality

  • Added implementation to the Customer Portal.
  • Added support for receiving files from
  • Added support for sending initial invoice to Invoice is sent upon the job start event or the invoice can be sent manually via a menu option from the Account page.
  • Added support for receiving signed invoice as well as image files from

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

  • Added support to import POPs, APs, and tickets.
  • Added support for providing a clear text portal password for the User table during import.
  • Added validation for POINT data in the import script.
  • Fixed bug with duplicate values when a Service was closed.
  • Fixed button error when showing the Billing Statement immediately after receiving and processing a payment.
  • Fixed Save and New button error for edge data on a subsequent Save.
  • Fixed Payment dialog so that payments may saved automatically by hitting the Enter key.
  • Fixed filter for the sortorder in Refine Search on Invoice Fees.
  • Modified file display in BillMax staff interface to original file name instead of internal name.
  • For TowerCoverage generated entries in the List adcodes, set new item to "Allow Future Edits" and sort order equal to value.
  • Improved FreeRadius provisioning script( to simplify edits for future use cases and added support for password-less (Auth-Type attribute) authentication and suspension.

BillMax 2020 Q3 4.0.8352 10/06/2020

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

  • Enhanced Asset Search. Switching filters prompts a new search. If no results are found, an appropriate message is displayed.
  • Added Cash Beginning Balances to the list of available funds when doing an "Existing Store Credit to Refundable Cash" operation.
  • Fixed bug in upgrade script where pop mistakenly set for non Sale/Store Credit transactions.
  • Fixed bug in upgrade script where fields empl and lastmodempl were not set in a new list entry.
  • Added CIDR verbiage to Access Point Network/Netmask tool tip.

BillMax 2020 Q3 4.0.8345 09/30/2020

Major New Functionality

  • Implemented API for retrieving usage data from Preseem.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

  • Added Asset to standard search dropdown.
  • Added Tickets and Notes to Access Points.
  • Added Search by AP to Refine Search for Services.
  • Added Search by POP/AP to Refine Search for Users.
  • Improved the type ahead on POP on user.
  • Fixed Refine Search for POP on Services to use new POP table.
  • Non US addresses are no longer submitted to USPS verfication.
  • Fixed the listing of invoices on the Customer Portal.
  • Moving Packages/Services associated with a User POP to new User that does not have a POP now alerts CSR to update target User POP when POP required for the Packages/Services.
  • Fixed the handling of special characters in the Company Name when submitting addresses to USPS verification.
  • TowerCoverage submissions now accepted regardless of address submitted, even if the address fails USPS verification.
  • Fixed an uncaught invalid argument in the Check Service Availability funtion with moving to the Map tab.

BillMax 2020 Q3 4.0.8318 09/15/2020

Major New Functionality

CDR Billing (formerly VOIP)

  • CDRs now classified for FCC purposes if applicable.
  • Support for reporting (FCC 499A and FCC 499Q - basis of Safe Harbor, Traffic Study or Minutes) and passing through Federal Universal Service Fund (FUSF) and State Universal Service Fund (SUSF) amounts.
  • Support for multiple sources of NPANXX data.
  • Download of customer CDR data via the Customer Portal now available.
  • If available, location descriptions displayed with CDRs. Either from NPANXX entries, preclassified CDRs or a Rate Deck.
  • Support for preclassified FUSF CDRs and/or prerated CDRs.
  • Support for precentage based upcharges.
  • Support for an Account tax designation (Residential, LifeLine, Commercial, etc.) used to exempt customer from FUSF and SUSF assessments.
  • Support for uploading binary CDR files.
  • Support for exempting specific accounts from the Federal USF or a State USF.
  • Rate Deck Detail entries are now displayed.
  • Controls for CDR Display on a bill.
  • Support for Voyant-EMI format CDRs.


  • Point of Presence (POP) migrated from a list to a table allowing more metadata.
  • APs supported as a separate object.
  • Map service by POP is now map service by AP.
  • Support for RADIUS group types.
  • Support for checking if service and what technology is available for a customer.


  • Updated the underlying technology (JQuery, bootstrap) for BillMax Staff Portal and Customer Portal in support of PCI Compliance.
  • Support for Promotions for a given time period. Referral amounts can be chosen at the time of service creation.
  • Support for Invoice Fees - a percentage-based fee that will be added once for each invoice based on the positive sum of transactions.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

Speed improvements

  • Added integer representation to lists speeding up searches.
  • Changed process flow of posting financial transactions and updating Account balances.
  • Increased web page memory management for a dramatically faster loading experience for the user.
  • Queries in managedocuments rewritten to take advantage of indices.
  • Assests have been separated from Asset Definitions to speed up the display of Assets.

CSR niceties

  • Facility to setup a default printer under "My Items".
  • Prompt for new password removed from login screen unless a necessity. Facility to change password under "My Items".
  • Lifetime Collected has been added to the Account Overview. This amount represented all monies collected and refunded for this Account.

Customer Portal

  • Facility for loading Portal modifications via a File to make sure Customer Portal is up to date after an upgrade.
  • Facility for previewing main offerings in the Customer Portal.
  • Facility for using USPS standardization.
  • Integrated Tower Coverage Prequalify API and Service Availability API for customer self service.

Service Fees

  • Service Fees not added if excluded by Account Tax Designation.
  • Facility to exclude Service Fees from automated discounting.
  • Designation of Service Fees as a Fee Type. Used for reporting purposes. Examples of Fee Types are FUSF, SUSF and E911.
  • Facililty to specify rules of prorating Service Fees.
  • Facililty to specify a Service Fee to inherit the FCC Service Type from the parent Service. Allows one E911 fee definition to be used/reported for multiple FCC Service Types.


  • Refunds Report now supports filtering on Refunds not part of a Bank Deposit.
  • Payments Report now supports filtering on Payments not part of a Bank Deposit.
  • Payments Report now supports filtering on branch.
  • Sales Report now allows Location (User Tax Region) in grouping and sorting.
  • Future Billings Report modified to allow same sorting/grouping as Sales Report.
  • Added California PUC 477 option.
  • FCC 477 modified to latest format.
  • Added facility to take an FCC 477 snapshot at the end each reporting period.
  • Added sorting by Account number to Sales and Future billing reports.


  • New Batch Process for processing echeck return information from IPPay using IPPay's Echeck Return Service. Echeck amount is automatically added back to customer account and the payment is retried. A ticket can be created to alert CSR and a fee for the chargeback can be added to the account as well.
  • Printer specification for documents (Billing Statement, Invoices, etc.) is now a dropdown.
  • Preferred Contact Method and Contact Time now captured on Account and User. Flows to Tickets associated with a User.
  • Disabling E-check on an Account now supported. Keeps a customer from adding an E-check payment method via the Customer Portal and a CSR from adding one without changing the setting.
  • Added methodology for tracking third party references in BillMax. For example, Account 123 in BillMax might be CRM 5456 which stored in the exteranlid table.
  • Made State and Country required on Accounts and Users.
  • Added default Payment Method on Account Profile which flows to the Account.
  • Added setting on the Account Profile to require an Auto Payment method on an Account.
  • Creation of Asset Definitions separated from Asset display.
  • Facility for BillMax to associate scanned checks with Account for ease of use.
  • Facility for automatically sending Receipt of Payment notifications to customers.
  • Support for a Billing Name for Virtual Company. Allows multiple Virtual Companies to bill using a common name.
  • Support for a "Prospects" Virtual Company. Settings are:
    1. Prohibit Open Services
    2. Prohibit Posted Financial Transactions
    3. Disable Reporting Payment Method errors.
  • Facility for deleting Tax Groups.
  • Bug fix for displaying Assets. Sometimes an incorrect Asset Definition reference used.
  • Facility to allow existing Services belonging to different Virtual Company than Service Definition to continue billing.
  • New Service Definition "Features" setting to specify what type of object the Service Definition represents.
  • Added control of displaying Service/Package name and Service/Package description on bills.
  • Added POP to ticket for filtering on POPs.
  • Added Facility for capturing metadata using XML in list items.
  • Added limits to editing data associated with an Electronic Payment.
  • Several bug fixes to asynchronous hook processing.
  • Added "ANALYZE TABLE" step to the database checker (dbck).

BillMax 2018 Q4 4.0.7317 01/22/2019

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

  • Performing a new installation now works again.
  • Memory issue with logging in several modules has been fixed.
  • Check uploads for BillMax customers in Canada now conform to latest Canadian Payment Association standards (CPA005).
  • Prospective Services now excluded from Service Map by POP map.
  • Service Map by POP map now supports a large number of POPs.

BillMax 2018 Q4 4.0.7276 12/12/2018

This release contains important security fixes. We highly recommended that all clients upgrade as soon as possible.

Major New Functionality

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

System Email Templates

  • System notices no longer sent with the BillMax system user as the sender.


  • Using the Staff Portal, may now specify the conditions under which CDRs are displayed on a bill.
  • Processing future financial documents when a Billing Statement is deleted now works correctly.
  • Deleting a transaction no longer automatically flags an Account for document sending.
  • Combined Billing view no longer dependent on order of transactions in database.
  • Using the Stall Portal, may now suppress "Service Name" line on bill by Product Definition.

FCC 477

  • Coverages no longer generated for non-terrestrial fixed wireless.
  • VOIP services over third party infrastruction may have Technology Code set to Not Applicable for FCC 477 purposes.
  • "Other" wire based technology now included in FCC 477 report.
  • VOIP no longer included in deployment section.

Customer Portal

  • Editing a device no longer generates a syntax error.


  • Improved performance when searching for Accounts, Users and Services.
  • Price Change for Item Definitions and Recurring Service Fee Definitions now supported.
  • Zero dollar billing for VOIP no longer displayed if option to suppress it is set.
  • Queue setting for email protocol now has a default.
  • dbck no longer reports Services that have an enddate less that the next service bill date as being past due for billing. Important for Postbill scenarios.
  • Note added to payment reversal when moving payment to new account.
  • dbck now validated Account guarantor.
  • Index for Account guarantor added.
  • Account guarantor added to Account listing.
  • Generation of self-signed certificate for Remote Applications simplified.
  • Selection of Service Level Agreement Priority now works correctly.
  • Implemented filtering of Products by Account Class and Technology at Service location for both the Staff and Customer Portals.
  • Expance Account referral code to 255 characters.
  • Added additional metadata to document XML to support additional Location based billing presentations.

BillMax 2018 Q1 4.0.7062 07/11/2018

Major New Functionality

  • Experimental method for reconciling IPPay Echeck deposits using Settlement Files added.
  • New Batch Process for updatng credit card information from IPPay such as expiration dates using IPPay's Card Updater Service. Cards must be tokenized and Batch Process Group "cardupdater" set to Active.
  • Methodology for retreiving and uploading check information from a lockbox added.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

System Email Templates

  • Testing of System Email Templates expanded to more templates. Emails sent immediately when testing.
  • Payment Reminders now sent with correct due date.


  • Company and customer name added to Calendar display.
  • Edits to Appointments on the Assignee calendar may now be saved.

Remote Applications

  • Edge service now may be stopped and started from the Staff Portal. Warnings issued/activity prohibited when installing a new license or new AES key and the edge service is running.

Customer Portal

  • Bank Account Payment Methods no longer corrupts bank account number when editing fields other than the bank account number.
  • Option added to notify customer that the Customer Portal is in "Maintenance Mode".
  • Added checks to prevent duplicate accounts.
  • Non UTF-8 characters no longer submitted.
  • Expiration Date now checked when a Credit Card is added.
  • System Email Template "CustomerConfirmation" may be sent to customer for a new Account/Order.
  • P.O. boxes not allowed in the first address line for the location address.
  • Country must be specified as 3 characters.
  • Option added to require at least one payment method.
  • API modified to stop unauthorized removal of payment methods.


  • Local Calling Guide endpoint changed from http to https.
  • Listing of VOIP Plans now contains all fields.
  • Logging of CDRs not loaded added.


  • "NEW" button for Ticket Messages no longer disabled after authoring a message.
  • Sort Order for Issues and Resolutions now honored on the Ticket.
  • Queues that are discontinued no longer show up as an option.
  • Characters now rendered correctly for UTF-8 characters that displayed as a black diamond.


  • Date range of a posted Sale or Store Credit may no longer be edited.
  • Consider settings that propogate from an Account to User to Service. If a setting is set on a child object, it is no longer overwritten by the setting on the parent object unless the parent object setting changes. Specifically, "Sales Return To Be Given When Opening" on a Service is now preserved unless the setting on the Account or User is changed.
  • No longer get "Account Update Error" when billing a disconnect fee during nightly processing.
  • Taxes and Fees now itemized for Credit Reversals on the PDF.
  • Refunds made through credit card or e-check transactions may no longer be deleted.


  • Testing of System Templates expanded to more templates. Emails sent immediately when testing.
  • Projected Suspension Date now takes into account Grace Date.
  • Warning now given on payment entry form when saving payment that is not Cash, Check or Money Order.
  • Warning issued when taking a Profile out of service but the Profile is the default Profile for a Virtual Company.
  • Input fields for Account, User and Service numbers are now hidden for existing Accounts, Users and Services.
  • Defaults for "Use In Web Portal" for Profile Documents now set when creating a new Profile.
  • Facility to move a Payment Method between accounts added.
  • Special Characters are now removed from Credit Card/Bank Account numbers.
  • Simultaneous entry of bank deposits no longer creates database inconsistency.
  • Staff Portal pages checked with XML and HTML validation resulting in some cleanup.
  • Bank File interface modified to allow repeated downloads.

BillMax 2018 Q1 4.0.6824 04/09/2018

Major New Functionality

System Email Templates

TowerCoverage - EUS Submissions - See TowerCoverage.

  • Logging now available.
  • Latitude/Logitude used and tagged as TowerCoverage.
  • Census information populated on User creation.
  • Submissions without Link Analyses are captured.
  • Can specify different Queues based on Link Analyses availability.
  • Best Time/Method to contact added to Ticket.
  • How Did You Hear About Us now captured as BillMax Adcode on Account with optional remapping.


  • Frontier CDRs supported.
  • NetSapiens Advanced CDRs supported.
  • CDR Listing added.
  • Future CDR Billing Report added.
  • Multiple CDRs for one call handled.
  • BillMax CDR now include answer time.
  • VOIP plan may now be marked as "Do Not Bill" for testing purposes.
  • Capability to not show a zero amount Sales for Plan billing added.
  • Bill Usage action added to an Account to assist in VOIP testing.
  • Bill Usage action added to an Service Usage Plan to assist in VOIP testing.
  • Functionality to delete CDR file and related CDRs when the CDR billing impact is not finalized.

Service/Package/Item Definitions

  • All billings for a Package may now be rolled up into a single line for bill presentation purposes. Tax Items are still listed individually.
  • Capability to add a table of additional information to a Sale by Service Definition
  • Capability to schedule and execute Price Changes by Service Definition


  • Financial Close Date may now be specified.
  • Projected Suspension Dates are now calculated and stored along with a new Projected Suspension report.
  • USPS address verification now supported.
  • Automated monthly Statements to overdue Invoice customers now supported.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

IIF Export

  • IIF export limited colon delimited export values to 31 characters. It now limits export values to 31 characters per level.
  • IIF export for Service Definition now uses Name rather than Billing Description.
  • Functionality added to allow removal of "BillMax:" from Income Accounts in IIF file.
  • Payment Reversals are now booked as Refunds rather than General Ledger entries due to a bug in QuickBooks that occurs when running a Cash based Balance Statement if G/L entries are used.


  • manageFiles now handles Ticket Escalation files.
  • Message Inbox performance improved.
  • Error when loading large message fixed.
  • User/Service Location information added to Ticket Notifications.
  • Added Preferred Method/Time for Contact.

Customer Portal.v2

  • Reset password now sends email to Customer.
  • Delayed billings until Service activation are now marked.
  • Zero sales price for items in Shopping Cart now handled.
  • New Ticket may be created on new orders.
  • Setup fees now handled during ordering process.
  • Maximum login failure attempts now honored.


  • Deleting an Appointment now deletes related Notes.
  • Index on ticket table improved resulting in quicker Account page loads.
  • Functionalitly added to allow removal of "BillMax:" from Income Accounts in IIF file.
  • Suspend by Overdue Service now uses Account Profile Overdue Minimum Amount for testing purposes.
  • No longer allowed to create a Sales Return Invoice with an effective date before the Original Invoice.
  • FCC 477 report no longer include Prospective Services.
  • FCC 477 report no longer duplicates data due to fiber deployment.
  • LCG lookup no longer fails when key is non-numeric.
  • Permissions checked for Account Immune and a Note written when changed.
  • Billing Statement load time reduced for existing Billing Statements.
  • Tax Items now have a Billing Label.
  • Mapping azimuth is now correct.
  • XML for Documents now uses numeric codes for entities.
  • Cloning a Service Definition now adds "_CLONE" to the Name field rather than the Billing Display.
  • The "&" sign is converted to "and" for First Name, Last Name and Company when credit card and or e-check information is submitted to IPPay.
  • Numbering for Billing Statements now preceded by a "B" and for Invoices now preceded by an "N" to allow end customers to differentiate between them when entering into accounting systems.

BillMax 2017 Q4 4.0.6650 12/12/2017

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

  • Deletion of a Payment Method due to the setting "paymentinfodays" for a Closed Account is now based on the minimum of the number of days the Account has been Closed and the number of days since the Payment Method has been updated.
  • Service and Package Change default is "No" for assessing Setup Fees and Deposits.
  • Item Pricing for Bundles is now honored.
  • File Uploads no longer periodically generate "Text Status Errors" depending on file size.
  • File Upload error message for a duplicate file no longer displays incorrect interface.
  • Speed of User save increased due to addition of database index.
  • Service Agent dialog no longer reformats underlying Service page.
  • Deletion of a Ticket now correctly deletes associated Notes.
  • The program "dbck" no longer reports an erroneous error for Template types.
  • Account Note popup no longer overwrites subsequent popup messages.
  • Use of maximum number of characters in statustext field for Service Change no longer makes it impossible to save the Service Change.
  • Use of double quote in Ticket subject no longer causes issues with Messages.
  • Code causing Profile setting Billing Day of Month not to be maintained is removed.
  • New Portal now updates number of consecutive incorrect logins.

BillMax 2017 Q4 4.0.6618 11/14/2017

Major New Functionality


  • Display fieldset size normalized by row for various pages.
  • Display of fieldsets for each Staff member customizable for Accounts and Users, both visibility and order of display.


Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

  • Functionality for specifying SLA metrics for a Queue or Account has been added.
  • SLA metrics may default to all Issues in a Queue or be specific to an Issue.
  • Automated escalation and notification based on SLA metrics is supported.


  • Notifications of Ticket Activity may be sent to Team Members.
  • Permissions on Ticket Activity now configurable.
  • "From Email" configurable separately for Messages and Ticket Notifications.
  • Use of Messages may now be customized. Messages may
    • Not be used at all.
    • Be added from the Staff Portal only.
    • Be added from the Staff Portal and emails from Staff only.
    • Not be emailed.
    • Be emailed to Staff Only.
  • Service Level Agreements may be attached to Queues.
  • Each Queue may now have its own set of Ticket notification Templates for notifications sent to the customer.
  • Notification of a new message added to a Ticket may now be sent to the customer.
  • Issues may now be classified by Issue Class which is used in conjunction with Service Level Agreements.
  • Team Members
    • Are now added directly to Queues.
    • May be excluded from Round Robin assignment.
    • May be excluded from Assignment.
    • May have Ticket Notifications configured.
    • May have Ticket Permissions configured.


  • Services applicable to a Ticket may be selected and Provisioning information displayed.
  • Extensive Notes on Ticket activity are collected.
  • Tickets may now have Subscribers.
  • New Messages no longer automatically reopen a Ticket.
  • "Reopened" and "Inactive" Statuses no longer supported.
  • "On Hold" Status added with a Date to Reopen.
  • Ticket Attachment storage now standard within BillMax.

Ticket Notifications

  • Extensive notifications of Ticket activity may be sent to Ticket subscribers.
  • Notifications may be sent from different email than messages.
  • Automated escalation Notifications may be sent based on SLA metrics.
  • Staff Notifications include ticket information as well as any Service data.
  • Staff Notifications may include a link to the Ticket for ease of access.
  • Ticket Subject automatically populated from Issue when created via Staff Portal.

Ticket Listing

  • Automated refresh of the Ticket Listing supported.
  • Merging Tickets is now supported


  • Multiple files may be attached to a Message when using the Staff Portal.
  • Service Provisioning information may be added to a message at the click of a button.
  • Messages created through the Staff Portal are eligible for "Edit as New" functionality.
  • More information about authorship and recipients of Messages is now available.
  • Staff may create a personal signature to be include when authoring a Message from the Staff Portal.


  • Appointments may be added to a Ticket.
  • Appointments added to a Ticket now inherit the Services selected on a Ticket.


  • Tickets creation may be started from the Account General tab.
  • Tickets created from the Account General tab default to being associated with the first Open User.
  • Staff may be flagged such that Tickets may not be assigned to them and therefore will not show up in "Assignee" selections.
  • Search by Ticket Number added.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

Staff Portal Enhancements


  • Improved look of long labels.
  • Display of Next Appointment Date on Account now honors local date format and displays time in 12 hour notation.
  • Register display now flags transactions that are not cleared rather than those that are cleared.
  • Removed Account from Invoice and Billing Statement listings on the Account Register.
  • Eliminating display of selection entries that are not relevant now works in Internet Explorer.


  • Display of Notes may now differentiate between system generated and staff generated notes.
  • New Notes tab to show Notes in expanded form.


  • Deletion of List Items no longer allowed.
  • List Items are now either Active or Discontinued.
  • Discontinued List Items are no longer shown if not applicable.


  • Complete listing of data of Tax Groups available.
  • Complete listing of data of Tax Regions available.
  • Service Contract End date now available in Service Listing.
  • Percent (%) characters now handled cleanly.


  • Appointments now display the Service number.
  • Appointments no longer display Closed Services unless requested.


  • Service Churn report reformatted and supports "Show Detail" and "All"
  • Conditions where FCC 477 report could generate invalid technology codes have been fixed.
  • FCC 477 speed is improved.
  • FCC 477 no longer fails with "Internal Server Error". This error was dependent on Operating System and Apache httpd version.

Mass Emails and Custom Templates

  • "Process" mode now continues on failure. This allows (for instance) the sending of emails to customer base even though several accounts may have bad emails. "Test" mode does fail however so errors may be identified and corrected.
  • Removed send immediately option as use can result in very slow processing and timeouts.
  • Removed max query test results parameter; Instead test all results.
  • Added in-line SQL option.
  • Added examples.
  • Don't allow "Test" unless form is saved first.
  • Don't allow "Process" unless "Test" is run first.


  • If not logged in and referencing a BillMax page, after login the user will continue to the referenced page.
  • No longer necessary to reload browser cache on an upgrade.
  • "filesdirectory" in the "systemstate" list now accepts paths relative to BillMax directory.
  • KML download of map of Services by POP now available.
  • CSV files now cleanly generated with html link in data.
  • XLSX files now cleanly generated with html link in data.

Staff Portal Repairs

  • Interface no longer disabled when an invalid geocode function is entered in Global Options.
  • Padding added to input fields so that cursor visible across browsers.
  • JavaScript error no longer occurs when closing the Preference dialog.
  • Manual allocations now include tax amounts.
  • Sale/Store Credit allocations no longer display broken link.
  • Eliminated use of double quotes or backslashes in the Product Definition Name and Billing Display.
  • Ampersand in the Product Definition Name and Billing Display no longer causes display or editing issues for a Product.
  • The Account Profile default Tax Regions is now honored when creating a new Account and changing the Account Profile.
  • Account Profiles that are not Available and not in use by an existing Account are no longer displayed when viewing the Account.
  • Printer Display on Dashboard now functions correctly on Internet Explorer.
  • Search by Service Name in Payment entry now works.
  • Restart of customer portal is no longer required when new license is entered.
  • Use of service definition's "Use user loginid and password" option no longer unconditionally updates service values when user is updated.
  • Some service definition provisioning flags are not yet available. These are now hidden until implemented.

Backend Enhancements

  • FCC 477 report now properly supports fiber. Deployment location for fiber is the same as the subscriber location.

Backend Repairs

  • Credit card identification now include new Master Card Bin number.
  • Implemented FOP workaround to keep FOP from crashing when generating PDFs.
  • Credit Card processing error handling improved. System errors no longer disable processing retries.
  • Divide by zero error no longer occurs for Tax Groups with multiple Tax Items that have a zero tax rate.
  • CIM processor module now handles data containing a single quote.
  • Force the use of TLS 1.2 when connecting to Authorize.Net.
  • Install log (main) now saved in pkg directory.
  • List of yum package dependencies updated.

Customer Portal Enhancements


  • Accepted credit card types can now be configured. Set availability in cctype list.
  • In new portal, utilize embedded image data when referenced in documents instead of URLs. This simplifies the setup.
  • Added new one page sign up option in the new portal.
  • Added option to display a system message in the new portal when the customer logs in. See "Customer Notice" in "Remote Application Setup"
  • New portal no longer uses the user administrator setting on the account. This decision may be revisited so this field will remain on the account until a final decision is made or the new portal is updated to use this feature correctly.
  • Added new templates for forgotten portal credentials so both customer portals may be used at once (to facilitate the transition).
  • Speed of new portal SVN install improved by moving vendor directory out of SVN.
  • Improved self service of devices in new portal. This includes a new package flag to propagate package variable changes to underlying services.

Customer Portal Repairs


  • Updated both portals for use with PHP 5.6+.
  • Corrected form errors in new portal with https hosted sites.
  • New portal no longer crashes when the account has no bills or no auto payment methods are available.
  • New portal on BillMax host is no longer insecure. Location moved outside web server's document root.
  • File permissions for new portal on BillMax host are now correct when symbolic links are used.

BillMax 2017 Q1 4.0.6323 06/01/2017

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

Backend Enhancements

Corrected startup script for customer portal and fetchmail programs to ensure database is started first.

Backend Repairs

Corrected HTTP response header in loopback.cgi.
Image names with parenthesis no longer cause references to local files in statement email.

Customer Portal Repairs

Fixed forgotten username and password functionality broken in 2017 Q1 4.0.6250 release.

New Customer Portal (beta)

Use Linux line ending in all portal text files.
Changed number of transactions displayed to 20 per page and reversed order so most recent transactions are shown first.
Fixed service lookup when no user is specified.
Added option to omit ticket functionality.
Added menu bar options where top and bottom html may be customized.
Force logoff when browser closed. Note due to browser restrictions this option may not always work. A suitably short time out is therefore recommended.
Removed remember me functionality.
Fixed crash when no billing method is available.
Don't show menu icon if menu is present.

Other Enhancements

Changed Regular Expression (regex) engine to Posix's PCRE. Modified regexes for passwords to use PCRE expressions.
Added support for 833 and 933 numbers in CDR processing.
Added logic to allow the Customer portal to remain running while the global AES key is updated.

Report Enhancements

Added due date, transaction number, start date and enddate to account register report.

Staff Interface Enhancements

Tab characters are now removed on entry from all input fields.
Service Definition Provisioning tab was reorganized for better clarity.

Staff Interface Repairs

Service Definition is now viewable when comma is present in Default field.
KML export now honors selected pops list.
Document sending methods greater than seven may be set.

BillMax 2017 Q1 4.0.6250 04/07/2017

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

Staff Interface Enhancements

Default display of calendar now includes Assignee scheduled unavailability.
Receipts now display amount as positive.
Increased number of automated sending options from 5 to 12.
Added the SQL NOT operator to the Refine Search functionality.

Backend Enhancements

Database checking now checks for Package and Subordinate Service inconsistencies.
Better error handling instituted for credit card transactions when network issues are the problem.
Email body now populated when sending Receipts or Statements.
Increased character limit of SQL for Customized and Memorized reports from 2048 to 65535 characters.

Report Enhancements

Detail Display of the Future Billings report now includes description for one time transactions such as setup and deposit.

Staff Interface Repairs

Bulk assignment of Tickets now always displays list of Team members.
Due date no longer automatically set for Invoices created through interface for Billing Statement customers. Due date set when Billing Statement created.

Backend Repairs

IPPay Refunds now work in all scenarios.

Beta Inclusions

Beta version of new Customer Portal included. See Customer Portal V.2 Server Setup (Beta) and Customer Portal V.2 Customization (Beta).

BillMax 2017 Q1 4.0.6218 03/23/2017

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

Staff Interface Repairs

Entering 12 AM as the end time on an Appointment no longer causes an inifinite processing loop.
Calendar now displays appointments correctly when 12 AM specified as the end time.

BillMax 2017 Q1 4.0.6209 03/20/2017

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

New Functionality

Can now bullk assign tickets.

Staff Interface Repairs

Refine Search for Services by Service Definition Name now works correctly.
Timeentry HTML files now have absolute references.

Backend Repairs

Lengthy processing of documents now handles case where third party renders a document while process is still running.

Report Repairs

Sales Report using "Accrual Exclude Deferred Revenue" option now works correctly when Wash Sales are not included.

BillMax 2017 Q1 4.0.6170 03/08/2017

Major New Functionality

  • New Scheduling/Work Order Module to schedule employees for customer appointments.
  • Support for Moneris Payment Processing for Canadian customers.
  • Integration with hosted email providers Blue Tie and Magic Mail.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

New Functionaliy

Specifying per Package/Service additional billing text for Sales/Store Credits to be displayed on Billing Statements/Invoices is now available.
Account "popup" text can now be specified to be viewed in a dialog when initially accessing an Account.
Can specify Charge Type and Description for Sales and Store Credit writeoffs.
Can enable/disable printing from the interface.

Staff Interface Enhancements

Can now specify a customized Setup Price when adding a Service.
Combined Address fields now shown for Service Location/User searches.
Account Company and Virtual Company now available for Ticket listing.
Account and User County now available for Ticket listing.
Account and Users in Ticket listing are now links.
Unpost message for Invoices now displays Billing Statement reference, not the internal database identifier.
Setting Effective Date on Billing Statement removed.
Duplicate Payment Methods no longer allowed on an Account.
Transaction notes now displayed in same font as rest of Billing Statement/Invoice.
Transaction notes now displayed during and Billing Statement/Invoice preview.
Can specify a Login ID/Password when creating an Account rather than after first save.
Status change on a Service no longer navigates Account to Pending Transactions tab.

Report Enhancements

New Recurring Package/Service Churn report.
Sales Tax filtering by Tax Class, Tax Region and Tax Group now supported.
A/R filtering by Account Class now supported.
Sales Tax report now include gross totals.
Sales Tax report now include a Cash Only option.
Sales report filtering by Charge Type, Service Definition or Service Class now supported.

XML Enhancements

POP now included in billing transaction if applicable.
Phone and Fax number of Account included.
Latitude and Longitude of User included.

Customer Portal Enhancements

Note added to Account when customer adds or deletes a Payment Method.

Staff Interface Repairs

Tax Region and Taxable settings of existing Items now displayed correctly when viewed in interface.
Tax Region and Taxclass now set when NOT APPLICABLE on One Time Sales.
Status change on a User now refreshes the Account.
Bill one term in Prospective now uses the Service price, not the Service Definition price.
Add Package Element - Pricing now honored from Package setup.
Requeued Documents now matches query results in Staff Interface.
Allocations for Reversed Payments/Refunds no longer shown.
Allocations to refunds now show correct payment.
Billing Statement balance no longer incorrect when subsequent payment entered on same date and Billing Statement re-viewed.

Back End Repairs

Nominal price now set correctly on autobilled one time Package elements.
Check Tax Status no longer errors with "no more rows".

Report Repairs

Sales report using "Accrual Exclude Deferred Revenue" option no longer fails on a sale created by "Bill First Price in Prospective Status".

BillMax 2016 Q3 4.0.5954 11/10/2016

Staff Interface Repairs

Country from Virtual Company now used on new Account when lowest numbered active Virtual Company is not numbered 1.
Changing a Sales Item rate followed by a click on Save no longer ignores the rate change. The new price is now computed.

Back End Repairs

Statement sending now works as expected with Invoice Minimum greater than $0.00 and Activity Money Owed the only sending option checked.
dbck error no longer prints random number string.

Other Enhancements

Account Number added to body of email Billing Statements/Invoices.
Image width set for email Billing Statements/Invoices, indentation removed.
Account Number added to subject line for email Billing Statements/Invoices.

BillMax 2016 Q3 4.0.5924 09/15/2016

Staff Interface Enhancement

On the Context Menu the clickable area now extends past the text making it easier to generate a click event.

BillMax 2016 Q3 4.0.5916 09/12/2016

Back End

Geocoding Canadian addresses where Country a variant from CAN now works.

BillMax 2016 Q3 4.0.5914 09/08/2016

Staff Interface Repairs

Using calendar icon on Refine Search now populates assoiciated date field.
Populating description on a new Service or Item sale restored.
Tax Region list on User dialog no longer displayed behind dialog.
Android keyboard resize event no longer causes change in element focus.

BillMax 2016 Q3 4.0.5909 09/07/2016

Major New Functionality

  • Capability of uploading files with associated metadata added to Accounts, Users, Services and Tickets
  • New geocoder relationship with ESRI.
  • FreeRadius based replacement for old Merit Radius server for handling Radius accounting records.
  • Technique for retrieving CDRs from PBXWare now available.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

Staff Interface Enhancements

Disabled use of Browser stored usernames/passwords using 'autocomplete="new-password"'
Discontinued use of synchronous AJAX calls in BillMax developed software.
"Clear Search" now sets the LAST search to the default settings.
Testing for checked Tax Exemption(s) for Account now done before submittal.
Can now specify Charge Type or Service Definition on a Start Balance Sale or Store Credit.
Interface upgraded to JQuery UI 1.12.0. New interface themes may once again be created/downloaded for use using
A Tax Group may now be assigned to a Beginning Balance transaction.
Asset disposition changed to "At Customer Location" when Asset associated with a Service or Package.

Staff Interface Repairs

Modify Dialog for unposted Billing Statement now shows buttons for clearing or selecting transactions.
Dialog of a Pending Deposit now shows Service Deposit information.
Saving an option set no longer unconditionally triggers an overwrite warning when results are from using an option set.
Refresh option for Lists now works.
Interface now usable with Android devices.
Default Ticket listing now shows all column data.
Description of a Pending Service or Item Sale now preserved when viewing transaction.
Discontinued Items belonging to Lists adcodes and cancelreasons no longer display on Account unless selected.
Can now page through a Last4 listing.
Appointments set during the noon hour no longer have the incorrect time.

Backend Repairs

Download of cash based IIF file no longer fails when Start Balance Sale or Store Credit unclassified with respect to Charge Type and Service Definition.
Allocations dealing partial with partial Sales Returns of Tax on Tax Sales no longer causes an issue.
report_notgeocoded no longer outputs the User twice.
Next Try Date now honored for Electronic Check (ECheck) transactions.
create_applies now works when creating Invoice Internal Allocations when future Sales Returns or Credit Reversals associated with the Invoice exist.
gencoverage and report_fcc477 no longer report an error when the location for a POP is manually set.
Cash Sales Report no longer reports errors when Group by Transaction Type selected and there is a Cash Beginning Balance transaction.
Propay processing no longer generates spurious error.
Sales and Store Credits that have been Written Off may no longer be reversed.
Rotation of db.log and dbread.log files no longer result in empty length compressed files.

Customer Portal Repairs

Customers can no longer accidentally double click causing multiple payments.

Report Enhancements

report_datacall now includes data based on Interim RADIUS data.

Data Import Enhancements

Beginning Balances may now be classified by Service Definition or Charge Type.

BillMax 2016 Q2 4.0.5718 05/27/2016

Staff Interface Enhancements

When specfying individual Tax Item Exemptions for an Account, you can now specify the Exemption applies to all Charge Types.

Staff Interface Repairs

Account interface now works if usage sales transaction included but no backing usage data.
Constraint for list "assetidentifiers" for first and last value now correct.
Snapshot restoration no longer triggers an AJAX error.
Generation of physical prepaid cards populates Service fields d03-d10 correctly.
Using CC exclusively to address the ticket queue no longer causes the queue lookup to choose the wrong queue.
Asset lookup by Virtual Company no longer fails.

BillMax 2016 Q2 4.0.5698 04/20/2016

Major New Functionality

  • VOIP module for collecting/rating/billing/displaying CDR data.
  • Integration with DispatchMe.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

Staff Interface Enhancements

Last 4 digits of credit card or bank account now show in the credit card or bank account entry field rather than separately.
Account Note added when an Electronic Payment method is added or deleted.
Company added to the User table.
Added one time option to disable geocoding on address change.
Beginning and Ending postdate now displayed with Bank Deposits.
Account flagged if the last transaction in the account is a Writeoff.
Functionality to add more overdue notices available.
More data shown when listing Tax Items.
"Get Census Location" added to Location dialog.
Setting of Latitude and Longitude now allowed on Location dialog.
Assets may now be reserved for Services in Prospective Status.
Disabling Account automated payment processing may now be done from the Payment Reversal tab.
BillMax Transaction number added to the Bank Deposit transaction list.
Payments/Refunds reports now support filtering by tender number and amount.
Operators ">" and "<" added to Refine Search capabilities.
Payments/Refunds reports now show BillMax transaction number.
Payments/Refunds filtering by tender done by checkbox instead of multi select list.
Bank deposits may now be created without specifying tender types.
Payments/Refunds reports now display Bank Deposit number.
Capability to make Option Sets globally available to other Staff Interface Users now available.
Create ticket, set User and add message may now be done without a manual refresh.

Staff Interface Repairs

Latitudes/Longitudes on Users and Locations (POP Regions for example) may now be flagged as manually set disabling automated geocoding attempt.
The Package/Service setting for billing an un prorated term now propagates to Package/Service Fees.
The Package/Service setting for billing an un prorated term is now honored when going from Prospective to Open.
"Reset Access" button for re-enabling Customer Portal access now displays correctly all the time.
"Existing Store Credit to Refundable Cash" no longer times out on Accounts with many transactions.
Display of columns and column order now preserved when using an Option Set on a list of items.
Taxdetail table now populated with Debits equal Credits for an Invoice.
One Time Items no longer display in the Service Change dropdown.
Payment/Refund amounts no longer editable if part of a Bank Deposit.
Search results for Payments page no longer displays double scrollbar.
Search results for Payments shows all matching Accounts, not just the first 25.
Display of table data no longer shifts during hovering under certain conditions.
Decreasing Payment Amount and pressing Enter in Payment dialog no longer results in "Cash over allocated" error message.
Discontinued Tax Items no longer displayed.
Number of consecuting Electronic Payment failures now editable.
Filter on Customer Title when viewing a list of Accounts now works.
Tier dialog now displays correct units.
System Templates now checked for duplicate names.
Ticket user set on update if not originally set.
Setting Sales Return on Close for Account/User/Service no longer causes a billing to be skipped.
Listing of Service/Package Definitions now includes FCC service type and displays FCC Technology Code correctly.
Tool Tip for Bank Deposit/Bank Accounts now correct.
First price no longer referred to in error message when second or third price in error.
Pressing Enter in "# of transactions to display" on the Account billing tab no longer causes a JavaScript error and a page reload.

Customer Portal Interface Repairs

Click "here" link for successful changes in login id and password now works.
Accessing Statement or Invoice information of other Accounts through HTML manipulation no longer doable.

Customer Portal Interface Enhancements

Account Note added when customer makes payment via the Customer Portal.

Backend Enhancements

Functionality to stop suspending overdue Accounts/Services on specified weekdays and specific dates now available.
Functionality to select fees by County now available.
Improved association of email sender to User in BillMax when receiving tickets via email.
Option "-p" added to createcust. When used with "-n", billing of Pending Transaction will occur but will not be invoiced by createcust.

Backend Repairs

Batch Group processing no longer crashes if no Batch Group Process specified.
Deletion of a Billing Statement no longer affects the Due Date of Beginning Balance data.
Single quotes in fields used for geocoding no longer cause SQL errors.
Single quote in POP region name no longer causes error when setting location.
Propagation of common setting between Account, User and Service more consistent.
Census data now handled by createcust.
Enddate Reason now handled by createcust.
createcust now handles Packages.
createcust now handles Fees.
createcust now handles Service Definition Bill Additional Term Yes correctly.


FCC 477 report bandwidth limit now 10GB.


gencoverages now handles POPs with quotes in the name.
Refunds against electronic payments that have been moved to another Account now work.
Admin account no longer has to change passwords immediately after initial installation.
Checking for valid email relaxed.
importdata now supports the assetdef and asset tables.
Accounts created from Towercoverage data now created with tax region from the BillMax Account Profile and the proper state abbreviation.
Permissions on db.log and dbread.log no longer affected by log rotation.
loadenv now handles TaxItem and Account percentage fields correctly.
Dates no longer displayed on documents where the Service/Package Definitions are flagged that dates should not be displayed.
loadenv now handles profiledocument bit fields correctly.
gencoverages now overwrites existing coverages when more than on POP Region selected.
Failure of ogr2gr in gencoverages now displays meaningful error messages.
State FIPS code now populated during geocoding.
Added support to ticketing for a "trash", a queue that will receive ticketing email if not associated with a known queue.
Historical Sales Tax Rate now displayed on Sales Tax Report if applicable.
finalize_billing now prints error messages if they exist.


Quantity and Rate no longer display on Deposits for By Location documents.
Package Deposits now have correct label on By Location documents.
Duplicate Service Fees removed from By Location documents.
Missing Packages Fees displayed on By Location documents.
P.O. Number now displayed on By Location documents.

BillMax 2015 Q3 4.0.5454 11/12/2015


The display of fixed Fees such as E911 have been moved on Billing Statments and Invoices. They now show in the Fee Table where USF fees show. If you have a customized Billing Statement or Invoice, verify that a new rendition is acceptable.

This release requires a web browser cache reload.

General Enhancements

Fixed Fees display in Fee Table in Billing Statements and Invoices.

Performance Enhancements

Modified Invoice and Billing Statement XSL files to speed up rendering of large documents.
Modified Register XSL file to speed up rendering of Invoices/Transactions tab having large amounts of data.

Staff Interface Enhancements

Bank Deposit number now displayed on Payments, Refunds and Reversals thereof.
Item Sale or Service Sale creation now includes search function when picking Item or Service.
Payments, Refunds and Reversals thereof no longer allowed to be deleted if part of a Bank Deposit.

Staff Interface Repairs

Post/PDF now works after the initial creation of an Account without a intervening reload of page.
Clicking the About BillMax image now leads to
Account refreshes on a Billing Statement Post.

Backend Repairs

In a multi-tax environment, allocations will no longer randomly fail.
Allocation failure of tax items no longer crashes program.
Display of PO number on Billing Statements no longer dropped after first entry.
Tokenization error introduced in release 5417 now fixed.

Backend Enhancements

Error threshhold option (-m ##) added to efpbatch. If specified, efpbatch will not fail with severe error unless threshhold exceeded. Default is 25.

BillMax 2015 Q3 4.0.5417 10/22/2015


A few database tables have had new Indexes added to aid in performance. This includes the financial transaction table (payhist). As such, depending on the size of your database, the upgrade may take longer than usual. Please make sure to allow enough time and diskspace for a successful upgrade.

You may notice a slight difference in the naming convention of the RPM. This was done in order to support checking that the correct RPM was installed (see 1318 below).

General Enhancements

New "Check Tax Setup" function.
New "Combine PDF" function. Download a single PDF of all non-Trial Billing Statement/Invoice PDFs created over a date range.
0001318 now validates installed RPM against OS to make sure correct RPM installed.
Attempts to use "tomtom" as the geocoding service now generates an error.
Processor Void now available in a multi-merchant environment.

Backend Repairs

dbck (Database Check) now handles Profile latefeeflags correctly.
If an Account is Opened without simultaneously Opening Users/Packages/Services that were Closed/Suspended with the Account then the Users/Packages/Services are no longer flagged as having been Closed/Suspended with the Account.
Tokenization no longer assumed to be successful.

Performance Enhancements

efpbatch runs more quickly. Larger sites (> 7500 active Accounts) may see times savings of up to an hour.
Viewing/Creating Bank Deposits much faster..
Applying a Payment is faster.
Viewing an existing payment is faster.

Staff Interface Repairs

Default reverse sort order for Bank Deposits now effective.
Deletion of Notes now works.
Referral Account field on Service limit of 8 characters removed.
Transaction Notes displayed on Billing Statements/Invoices now have same font as the transaction.
AJAX timeouts have better handling.
Opening a Package with Services previous Closed from Prospective now works correctly.
Various options associated with Status changes now flow correctly from Package to Service to Fee.
Suspending and Opening a Service on the same day no longer generates and error.
Size of background of Invoices/Transaction on Account Billing Tab is now correct.

Report Repairs

Sales report usign "Exclude Monthly" option no longer categorizes Recurring Sales/Credits as One Time.

BillMax 2015 Q3 4.0.5340 08/19/2015

General Enhancements

Capability to disable Overdue Emails and Lates fee by Account.
Integration with credit card processor Propay.
New webhelp available at
Updated to new WebGIS geocoder API.
New Account Profile setting to allow continuation of billing of customers that are Suspended and Overdue.

Backend Repairs

Automatically billed items have a correct nominal price.
Permissions tests done before Service Creation. Minimizes possbility of Provisioning/Service mismatch.
Errors no longer reported for Profiles that use fourth and fifth delivery methods.
Errors no longer reported for Account that use fourth and fifth delivery methods.
Document Fee no longer assessed on mid month statement creation when not sent.
Multiple Tax Item exemptions on the Account are honored.
Transaction Type consistent between web view and Print Friendly/Spreadsheet.
Sign on monetary amounts consistent between web view and Print Friendly/Spreadsheet.
Sum of debits and credits for a Bank Deposit of Transaction Type All correct for Print Friendly/Spreadsheet.
Database checking for provisioning conflict checking honors the "Unique" flag on the Package or Service Definition.
Permissions for Moving Payment changed from System Administration to Billing Write.
Database checking no longer reports an error 13224 for tax only Store Credit transactions that may occur due to an import.

Backend Enhancements

"List Zero Amount Sales" propagates to Fees associated with a Package or Service.
Adding the first Open Service to an Account will reset the "Billing/Prorate Day of Month" contigent on the Profile setting.
Nightly processing now checks that a previous Service Change is resolved before trying a new Service Change.

Staff Interface Enhancements

Printing subsystem viewable on the Dashboard.
Emailing subsystem viewable on the Dashboard.
"New" on List page removed to avoid accidental creation of a new List.
Labels of columns of list of Bank Deposits changed for clarity.
Service price changes displayed in dollars rather than cents.
Existing BanK Deposits can have Transaction Type change to ALL.
Top menu "Billing" changed to "Billing Configuration" to minimize confusion with "Billing" tab on Account.
Multiple Account Monthly Sales Repair removed.
Multiple Account Allocation Repair removed.
Filtering on Tax Region selection added.
Speed improvement when saving a Note.
Profile and Virtual Company setting may be persistent when moving a customer from one to another.
Added display of service name (d01) to register view for Sales and Store Credits.
Speed improvement of retrieval of transactions for a new Bank Deposit.
Old Service Changes that did not complete correctly may now be cleared through the interface allowing for new Service Changes.
Verbiage added to indicate saving a Service Change has occurred even if an error condition occurred.
Spreadsheet/PDF output of Recurring Packages now correct.
Single quote in account phone number no longer causes interface error.

Staff Interface Repairs

Check for email address works when email Automated Billing Method choosen for an Account.
Submitting bad data for the total of a Sale or Store Credit no longer results in a bad nominal price.
Taxable setting for Items editable.
Delay for reorganizing fields sets on web page increase from 300 to 500 milliseconds to accommodate Firefox users.
Reference to non existent function "setLogin" removed from User template.
Bug causing search for User with a blank number is fixed.

Report Enhancements

Added Account classification to Account Profile for grouping an reporting purposes.
Sales report supports grouping by more attributes such as POP, City and new Account Class.
Bookkeeping report supports grouping by more attributes such as POP, City and new Account Class.
Bookkeeping IIF supports remapping for QuickBooks Item, Income Account and Class.
Sales report supports deferred revenue reporting by Monthly sales price.

Report Repairs

Sales report no longer diplays $0.00 line items in Recurring section when Recurring and One Time are separated and detail is shown and a One Time sales has tax.
Dateless recurring Sales and Store Credits are marked as Recurring and not interpreted as One Time.
Marketing report PDF creation now works when Account Detail selected.
PDF of Sales report with options Show Detail and Show Tax now works.

Portal Repairs

Portal no longer allows access to Payment records in Accounts not assocated with the Portal login.
Portal no longer allows access to Statement or Invoices in Accounts not assocated with the Portal login.

Data Import Repairs

overduemin and latefee from BillMax 2.2 and earlier scaled correctly during conversion.
Check and Cash payment designation no longer interchanged when converting from BillMax 2.2 and earlier.

Invoice/Billing Statement Modifications

Removed double display of service name (d01) if Alternative Display on Bill selected for d01.

BillMax 2015 Q1 4.0.5201 05/22/2015

Backend Repairs

Services now Opened upon Payment when Account Profile setting is Suspend Service.
Virtual Company no longer hardcoded in the file.
Updating User login and/or password no longer clobbers the Service flags field.
Automated Referral Credits now have a Charge Type of Referral Credit.
If applicable, the RECURRING attribute for credit card SALE or AUTHORIZATION is now set to true to help lower fees (processor dependent).
managedocuments now delete empty document directories.
dbck error codes for Electronic Payment data no longer duplicate financial transaction error codes.
dbck no longer report error for Electronic Payment data if Company is populated.

Staff Interface Enhancements

Account Status now displayed on Payment dialog if not Open.
Number of non-Closed Tickets now displayed on Payment dialog.
Ticket problem now display on Ticket listing of My Tickets.

Staff Interface Repairs

HTML for Ticket Problem/Resolution now correct.
Opening a Ticket that indcludes iframes to display messages no longer cause a double GET.

Report Repairs

Bookkeeping and Sales reports now honor transaction Charge Type over related Service Definition Charge Type when reporting transactions by Charge Type.

BillMax 2015 Q1 4.0.5152 04/17/2015

Backend Repairs

Gross Receipts reports now sorted by Account.
Email attachments to Macintosh users now visible again.
Card Holder name now passed with tokenized transaction to IPPay.
Processor Void Payment action now creates a Payment Reversal if the original transaction is part of a Billing Statement.

Staff Interface Enhancements

Search for user in ticketing now selects hint for ease of editing.

BillMax 2015 Q1 4.0.5134 03/30/2015

Backend Repairs

Aging Report no longer extremely slow.

BillMax 2015 Q1 4.0.5133 03/27/2015

Major New Functionality

  • Facilities for managing payments booked to an incorrect Account.
  • Support for Guarantor Accounts.
  • Support for inclusion of Email HTML and Email text content when sending PDF Invoices and Billing Statements.
  • Spreadsheet Formats CSV and XLSX now available for reports.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

Staff Interface Enhancements

Bulk Payment screen now displays standard Payment dialog allowing for selecting which Debits to pay.
Permissions for posting a payment have been changed from "Billing Write" to "Write".
Bank Deposits may now comingle differnt types of transactions.
System Email Templates now have a testing option.
Non team members may now assign to members in a Ticketing Queue.
Focus set to username field on login page.
Project Suspension Date is no longer displayed if the Account Status is not Open.
Batch payment search no longer display Accounts with a zero balance and Status of Closed or Collections.
Batch payment search field maintained between payments.
Batch payment search reduced to one field.

Staff Interface Repairs

Editing timetrack as user different from the author of the timetrack entry no longer resets the author.
Profiles now display correctly when configuring Remote Applications.
Change an Asset on a Service now works.
Browser autocomplete is disabled.
Pressing Enter on the Account page no longer triggers the browser "Do you want to save the password" mechanism.
Buttons by context are now displayed on the Sales Return/Store Credit Reversal/Deposit Reversal dialog.
Tax attribute of a Service Sale is now editable.
Large Billing Statement numbers on the Account page are no longer truncated.
The dollar sign ($) is now allowed in email templates.
Cloning a Service Definition now honors the Billing Model setting.
Account Billing Day of Month updated when first Service changed from Prospective to Open for anniversary billing scenarios.
Allocations with invoice field 0 no longer cause issue pulling up invoices.
Authorized Users with "Read" only permissions may now view Billing Statements.
Maximum Speed for FCC 477 reporting has been increased.
Periodic references to sessiontimeout.html no longer occur.
Tax Included setting now carried to Pending Transactions.
"Last 50 Calls" on Service now works correctly.

Customer Portal

Conditions where a Remote Application would quit upon login have been identified and fixed.


Aging, Bank Deposit, Payment and Store Credit reports now display the company or name on the account if available instead of just the Account number.
Gross Receipts report now sums correctly in a multi-tax environment.
Account Register report now display dates correctly in spreadsheet format.
Bookkeeping Report now supports display Bank Deposits associated with "ALL" companies.

Backend Processing

Tax is now computed correctly if within a set of Services one has tax "Not Applicable" and the others do not.
create_applies no longer fails on Accounts with no financial transactions.
Overdue Mininimum setting now effective for Invoice customers.
System failure of Credit Card or Echeck processing no longer triggers a decline notice on the Account.
Queue autoforward setting now correcly implemented.
Createcust now support Latitude and Longitude passed by location variable.
Service Change now blanks unused fields with changing from one Service Definition to another.
Improved handling of IPPay error codes.
Discount fields now supported by createcust.


Initial configuration no longer trggers a dynamicstring buffer error.


Regular Expression used to validate emails now passes addresses containing new domain extensions such as "company".
Grace Period setting for assessing Late Fees now available.
Tower Coverage import no longer fails when optional fields not supplied.
Tower Coverage integration now assigns an Account to the Virtual Company with which the Ticket is associated.
Profile Set Effective Date to Start Date now works. Consequently, on upgrade this setting is disable to maintain current behavior.

Data Import

Check for company validity of Services/Service Definitions removed.

BillMax 2014 Q4 4.0.4962 11/15/2014

Major New Functionality

Electronic Payment processing

  • NACHA files may now be created for ACH processing of echeck Payment Type.
  • Void at the processor for unsettled transactions now supported.
  • Processor timeouts where payments may have been successful now have a methodology for processing.
  • Held credit card funds now have a methodology for processing.


  • Service contract end date and early termination fee now supported.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

Staff Interface Repairs

The d01 or ID field for a Package now shows in the interface.
Display of List based Provisioning fields now works correctly.
Display of Taxable on new Sale or Store Credit is now correct.
Payment screens no longer show discontinued tender types for a new payment.
Selecting a report table for a Memorized Report now works correctly.
Display of Free setting on a Service Definition is now correct.
Fees may now be added after Package or Service creation.
PDF Printfiles no longer show zipped files.
Tool Tips now display correctly consistently.
Search for Last Modified By now works correctly for all tables.
Transaction list for Bank Deposits now displays correctly in Internet Explorer.
Requeue documents now works.

Staff Interface Enhancements

Variable "globalauthlevel" now available to interface programmers.
PDF Printfiles now displays in Date Delivered order.
"Processed" now shown on document dialogs when a delivery action completed.
PDF Printfiles are no longer compressed.
PDF Printfiles now accessible with Billing Read Permission.

Backend Enhancements

createcust now handles Prospective Status for Services (not Packages).
Emails from Authorize.Net may now be controlled via BillMax.

Report Enhancements

Sales Tax report no longer include amounts due to Write Offs.
Deposits report now honors the "As Of" date.

Backend Repairs

Automatic creation of Services for a Packages now sets Resources and defaults correctly.
State FIPS now polulated when using the Location button.
Database checking for Account Profiles no longer reports incorrectly errors for suspendservices.
Database checking for efpdata and efpstate tables now displays the Account number.
Single quotes in a Provisioning field no longer causes a Service Change to fail.
enter_service.cgi no longer requires FORM_setup_taxable for existing Services.

Installation Repairs

gdal now installs on Centos 6.5.
fetchmail now installed.

Data Import

Stats entdate and enttime now preserved.
New field fccservice now handled.
Account Balances are now updated after finacial records imported.

BillMax 2014 Q3 4.0.4869 9/24/2014

Staff Interface Repairs

Accounts may now have the Status set to Collections.

Backend Repairs

Sending emails using Customer Notices no longer creates incorrect Account Notes.
Users geocoded checking now considers Service Status.
Users geocoding now handles single quotes in data correctly.
State FIPS now set for location records.

Customer Portal

Server Plus login now works correctly.

BillMax 2014 Q3 4.0.4861 9/17/2014

Staff Interface Repairs

Improved processing so that data boxes do not overlap.
Cutomer Detail report no longer crashes under certain data conditions.
Display of Accounts with many Users and Services no longer times out.
ServiceChange pricing display modified for clarity.
Service Verify Password now works correctly.
Bank Deposit no longer display Write Off transactions.
Asset use of the D01 and D02 fields now works correctly.
All transactions belonging to a Bank Deposit now show up.
The duplicate electronic transaction check was modified to not marked transactions as duplicates if the associated payment record was modified between attempts.
The account data is now refreshed when an electronic transaction fails.
Removed ability to delete electronic payments. Must use, if supported by gateway, void instead.
All electronic transaction details in interface are now shown.

Staff Interface Enhancements

Move Payment from one Account to another is now supported as a single action.
Electronic transactions marked 'held for review' can now be identified and approved.
Check if a email address is specified on accounts if a email invoice method is in use.
QuickBooks IIF file may now be retrieved using the Book Keeping Report interface.
Billing Services in Prospective Status now allowed.

Customer Portal

Portal experience when Customer has expired credit card has been enhanced.
Customer Portal no longer has PHP Session issues when run on a Debian platform.


Sales Report now has option for display tax.
Customer Detail report no longer aborts for various data conditions.
Made extensive changes to the FCC 477 report to accommodate new 2014 report requirements.

Data Import

Historical Electronic Payments are now flagged as such during import.

Document Improvements

Long names are no longer truncated.
Balances are now shown on Statements.

Nightly Processing

Accounts that are marked for Automated Payment processing but don't not have an Automated Payment method active are now reported.

Usage Billing

Metered billing amounts no longer off by a factor of 100.


Intallation no longer fails due to EPEL error.

Backend Repairs

Erroneous message about financial transaction not fully allocated is no longer displayed.
Electronic Payment Processing no longer hangs indefinitely is there are Processor issues.
Modified ticketing email processing so forwarded email to CSRs won't be rejected by some mail servers. Change involves the addition of ticketing metadata to email content.
Added data integrity checks for efpdata table data.

BillMax 2014 Q2 4.0.4572 6/03/2014


For current customers upgrading that use the Customer Portal, this upgrade may cause a Tree Conflict (C) with /usr/local/billmax/html/billmaxedge. This will cause the installation step /opt/billmax/install/ to fail. This is due to the billmaxedge directory being moved to /usr/local/billmax/html/portal/billmaxedge. The current solution to this is to re-apply any modifications from /usr/local/billmax/html/billmaxedge to /usr/local/billmax/html/portal/billmaxedge. Then issue the following svn commands as root: "svn resolved /usr/local/billmax/html/billmaxedge" and "svn delete /usr/local/billmax/html/billmaxedge". Then continue with the /opt/billmax/install/ step and subsequent installation steps.

Staff Interface Repairs

Batch autopay setting no longer lost for all Accounts when changing Account Payment Method to cash/check.
Duplicate Customer Portal loginid check now done in Staff Interface.
Activity Graphs no longer display Print Friendly or Spreadsheet Options.
Activity Graphs no longer display Print Friendly or Spreadsheet Options.
ServiceChange now honors Save Plain Text Password setting.

Ticketing Repairs

Anonymous Queue User setting now honored.

Installation Repairs

Installation failure due to repository website changes no longer fails for EPEL rpm.

BillMax 2014 Q2 4.0.4536 5/16/2014

Staff Interface Repairs

BillMax no longer hangs on login when using Internet Explorer.
Prospective Services set startdate to null date when first brought up honoring the Service Definition setting.
Calendar now opens to date viewed.
Now can change attributes on Payroll Deduction tendertype on new install.
Silent JavaScript bug in Service page when saving with non-Open state and no reason fixed.
Changing the account paytype to Cash/Check no longer resets the Auto payment method for all accounts.
Customer detail report by Virtual Company now works correctly.

Staff Interface Enhancements

Can filter Bank Deposit transactions by Virtual Company.
Can filter Bank Deposit transactions by starting and ending postdate range.
Added transaction groupings for Cash/Check/Money Order and VISA/MasterCard for Bank Deposits.

Backend Repairs

managefiles now handles filenames that include blanks.

BillMax 2014 Q2 4.0.4512 5/5/2014

Staff Interface Repairs

Search by Account number works again on 32-bit machines.
Download KML files now works again.
Save Options for reports with variables now works.
User/Service display on Account updated on Service price and identified changes.

Staff Interface Enhancements

Both From and To Service Definitions displayed on Service Change listing for Service.

BillMax 2014 Q2 4.0.4505 5/2/2014

Major New Functionality

Staff Interface

  • Dialogs utilized so that there is less moving from page to page
  • Number of tabs minimized so that related data is in one view
  • New menu laid out to make actions more accessible
  • Most Account/User/Service actions available from the Account
  • Maps included in Account/User pages rather than a separate browser window/tab
  • Upgraded to latest Jquery/Theme Roller with testing including Apple platforms (Mac/Ipad)
  • Multiple color themes included along with the option to upload and use your own
  • Search by Service/User Location added
  • Required fields added and highlighted
  • Added highlighting to draw attention to important information
  • User Identification fields label are now customizable
  • Automatic creation of User when Account created
  • Enhanced Package management
  • Defaults for new Account Profiles
  • Improved customized search functionality that has been standardized across the system
  • Options for searches and reports can be named and saved for later use
  • Vastly improved set up pages for service plans, packages, and one time items
  • Post and print invoices or billing statements without previewing


  • Color coding added to Tickets by Ticket Queues
  • Messages sorted by thread or date
  • Number of Open Tickets for Account on Account Information Headline
  • Closed Tickets can be hidden or displayed


  • Account Register Report

Payment Processing

  • New First Data Global Credit Card module


  • List driven provisioning fields
  • Support for FreeRadius based accounting
  • Support for Mikrotik HotSpots

Asset Tracking

  • Track and/or bill assets by linking them to service definitions and adding them to services upon service creation. Assets can be physical inventory items such as modems or assigned items such as IP Addresses.
  • Load assets into BillMax via CSV file.

Tower Coverage

  • Integration allows for Account/User creation from Tower Coverage information
  • Billmax Ticket also created with specific Link Path Analysis to serve that customer

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

Staff Interface Enhancements

  • Numeric fields are right justified for clarity
  • Note fields added to more database fields
  • Search results now support the ability to select multiple records and apply an action
  • Assets and service plan fields now auto complete (provide matches as characters are typed). Auto complete will be added to other fields in the future.
  • Running balances added to transaction listing, statements, and some reports.
  • Added startdate/enddate to register display of posted billings.
  • Verbiage on Customer Logon Screen improved
  • Ability to View/Edit Service information added
  • Dialogs for opening Accounts/Users/Service now display how much billing will be caught un less Date to Resume Billing specified.

BillMax 2013 Q4 4.0.4158 1/31/2014

Installation Repairs

FOP installation upgraded to version 1.1.

Staff Interface Repairs

Service Verify Password now handles special characters cleanly.

Backend Repairs

Automated due dates for Billing Statement customers are now set upon Billing Statement creation only.

Data ImportRepairs

bx22finhist now handles Refund reversals.

BillMax 2013 Q4 4.0.4119 12/17/2013

Staff Interface Enhancements

Outbound email such as late notices is now logged in Notes.

Billing Modifications

Late Fees are now bundled with other charges (if any). Late Fee invoices are no longer created.

Staff Interface Repairs

Service Definition Name input now allows 100 characters.
Clicking the PRINT FRIENDLY button on documents now works when the "SEND" option is not "CHOOSE".
A Servioce can now be created with Write permissions.
Search by Credit Card number or Bank Account number now works for last 4 digits.

Backend Repairs

dbck no longer flags tax setting NOT APPLICABLE as an error.
Credit Card expiration notices now are emailed.
Pricing for Service Expiration emails uses current service price.
Percentage based Late Fee calculations now honor the Virtual Company rounding setting.
Late Fees on Late Fees setting now works correctly.
The loadenv program now escapes the dollar sign and quote correctly.

Report Repairs

The Billing Exceptions report now works for all cases.

BillMax 2013 Q3 4.0.3927 10/15/2013

Staff Interface Enhancements

May now specify Electronic Payment Dates for Beginnning Balance Sales or Refunds.

Backend Repairs

accesscheck now handle the --runhook option correctly.
The creation of the first summary record for an account no longer resets the due date on Sales Beginning Balance records.

BillMax 2013 Q3 4.0.3868 09/21/2013


Bank Deposit transaction list now displays Account number, street address and last four digits of electronic transactions.
Partial functionality of the old Revenue Report from BillMax 2.2 is now in the new Billing Exceptions report.
Gross Receipts report now sums up totals.

Staff Interface Repairs

SAVE & NEW for Sales and Store Credits now refreshes settings correctly as if page was newly displayed.
Posting a Sales Return invoice no longer generates the "no more rows" error message that occurred under certain conditions.

Staff Interface Enhancements

Future Billings report now populates date through which Service Next Invoice Dates are considered to the current date plus one month minus one day.
Billing Cycle Point may now be edited through the Staff Portal.
Revesing Writeoff now supported.

Backend Repairs

account_hook errors no longer cause electronic payments to not be posted.

Customer Portal Improvements

ServerPlus API no longer uses the word "cancelled" but uses the Account Status.

BillMax 2013 Q2 4.0.3760 07/18/2013

Backend Repairs

Echeck and Credit Card processing once again set next try date and number of declines on failure and clears those values on success.

BillMax 2013 Q2 4.0.3755 07/01/2013

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

Staff Interface Repairs

Default profile of the Virtual Company now honored.
Auto create of User from Account now sets Reopen Services setting.

Billing Statements/Invoices

Long strings without a breaking blank are now truncated so they don't overrun other columns.
Field labeled as Billing Display in Staff Interface now displayed.
Invoicedisplay group now honored for Service and Item billings.

Backend Repairs

Information about discounts and packages no longer dropped due to a status change.
Electronic Payment Date for Cash/Check customers now set to Due Date.
Service hook no longer provisions when a rename is done while a service is in Prospective Status.

Customer Portal Improvements

Common login for customers regardless of Virtual Company now supported.

BillMax 2013 Q2 4.0.3720 05/23/2013

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

Backend Repairs

report_salesbyagent no longer displays extra sales under the Cash/Credit option.
manageFiles no longer triggers LoopBack error messages or tries to delete .svn files in /usr/local/billmax/tmp.

Staff Interface Repairs

Apostrohpe in email address handled correctly.
PRINT FRIENDLY for reports put back. Headers now aligned. Truncation of wide data no longer an issue.
Search results for Account, User, Service have more fields available for possible display.
Entering a Beginning Balance now works correctly for Store Credits.
Reque Documents listing now displays the Delivery Target Mechanism correctly when mulitple delivery methods are used.
enter_service populates importid if data supplied.
enter_user populates importid if data supplied.
Adding a Service Change during the Prebill interval now works correctly.

Customer Portal Improvements

Credit Card Numbers/Bank Account numbers no longer written to log.

BillMax 2013 Q2 4.0.3702 05/14/2013

Major New Functionality

Improved Tokenization for Credit Cards and Echeck Data

  • Credit Card/E-check account numbers never written to disk during tokenization process. Database or process log files will not have the data.
  • When converting, tokenization of all account numbers, past and present available.
  • Please work with BillMax Support when converting to tokenization.


  • Capability to geocode BillMax List Items.
  • New "Service Map by POP" map available.
  • "MAP ADDRESS" Button on Account to check Account location before signup.

Processing of RADIUS Live/Intermediate Packets

  • Live/Intermediate RADIUS packets processed to properly manage long running connections.


  • Capability to group Payments using the new Bank Deposit functionality.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

Backend Repairs

Purchase Order numbers now displays on Billing Statements.
Purchase Order numbers for services now handled correctly during automated processing.
/usr/local/billmax/bin/createcust now handles User location correctly.
Document Note from Profile now displays on Billing Statements.
Deletion of account/user/service no longer causes sporadic memory error.
/usr/local/billmax/bin/dbck no longer reports error for Service Definition setting "REPEAT CYCLE".
Billing of Service Change no longer generates a changetocnt error.
/usr/local/billmax/bin/dbck no longer reports error for Service Change setting "SERVICECHANGE_BILLED".
If automated processing turned off for a few days, rolling forward now creates back Invoices and Billing Statements.
/usr/local/billmax/bin/dbck no longer generates errors for Services in Prospective Status for invday and prevstate.
Deleting a Pending Deposit Return now works.

Backend Improvements

Artificial check for environment variable SERVER_NAME removed from all binaries.
Acount data now available in environment for overdue notice processing.
Credit Card and E-check payments captured even if susbsequent errors occur.
Password encryption paradigm now specified in /usr/local/billmax/local/billmax.conf. Separate paradigms for provisioned and non-provisioned passwords supported. As delivered for a new install, MD5 the default paradigm for non-provisioned passwords, DES for provisioned passwords.

Staff Interface Repairs

Label and interpretations for Database Check option for warning about accounts with no users or users with no services is now consistent.
Service Change now displays and honors taxable settings for recurring and setup billings.
Comma separated emails on the User page now handled correctly.
Creation of Customer Notices now works cleanly including the TEST button.
Balance on Overview tab of Account now correctly updated after deletion or reversal of Payments.
Service Change error message with apostrophe no longer generates error in interface.
Open Service Changes for other Services no longer prohibit creation of Service Change for current Service.
SAVE OPTIONS now handles duplicate named fields correctly.
Listing of Users now uses Last Name instead of Middle Name.
Country and County from Account now carried to User when adding a new Service from the Account page.
Calendar icon during Customize for a listing now effective.
REQUEUE DOCUMENTS no longer generates an error.
TEST PIN for prepaid cards now works.
Clicking SPREADSHEET button when viewing Packages now returns spreadsheet with packages.
Edited prices on a Service Change now displayed correctly.
Quantity Free on a Service Change now displayed correctly.
VERIFY PASSWORD now works for a just created Service.
Negative numbers no longer allowed for Discounts.
Agent data on a Service may now be updated.
Agent date controls on a Service now work.
Charge Type of Pending Miscellaneous Sales or Store Credits may now be edited.
Start Date for Prospective Services no longer set.
Duplicate tooltips on the Bill Timing tab for Profiles no longer occurs.
Deletion of a Document Delivery entry under Requeue Documents now works correctly.

Staff Interface Improvements

Payment icon on toolbar allows quick access to Bulk Payment form.
Number of memorized report now included with description on dropdown for choosing a memorized report to run.
Main icon on the toolbar returns the interface to the initial screen displayed after login.
Service Change of services in Prospective status now supported.
Cloning a Profile now clones Document Delivery Methods as well as the Profile.
PRINT FRIENDLY removed from reports. Spreadsheet programs do a much better job.
Geocoding now accepts "U.S.A." for country.
Setting Autoallocate to NO on bulk payment entry form now honored.
Fixed discount amounts for Services now supported.
Customer Count report added.
How to remove Subordinate Service Definitions now clearer.
Automatically generated Sales Returns now flag posting the transactions immediately.
Special characters in the search field are handled correctly and cleanly.
The list of Users no longer includes Users of Closed Accounts by default.
Fixed default font size to 10pt.
Many changes on the Account page interactions to work better with Internet Explorer.

Customer Portal Repairs

Display of provisioning fields no longer fails sporadically.

Report Repairs

Accrual Sales Report Summary Only totals now correct.
Accrual Sales Report Show Detail now creates a valid spreadsheet file.
Gross Receipts totals no longer doubled.

Other Improvements

Tender type and number now diplayed on Billing Statements.
More files added to /usr/local/billmax/local/manageFiles.
Discounts now displayed on one line grouped with a Sale rather than as a separate block of information on an Invoice or Billing Statement.
Credit Card or E-check declines are now displayed on a Billing Statement.

Data Import

No longer an issue if all payhists for an Invoice/Billing Statement have the NULLDATE for a duedate.
Profile setting chargemin/chargemax/refundmin/refundmax no longer off by a factor of 100.
Profile Document Account State set to Open and Suspended during import.
Memorized Reports with variables now handled correctly.
Memorized Reports with newlines now handled correctly.

BillMax 2013 Q2 4.0.3383 02/7/2013

Major New Functionality

FCC 477 functionality

  • Generate the FCC 477 XML report for upload at the press of a key.

Mapping and Geocoding functionality

  • Automtically geocode a User's location down to the Census Block.
  • Display the location on a map with the User's metadata.

New Web Services Functionality

  • Integration with ServerPlus.

New Financial Reports

  • report_bookkeeping - a book keeping report designed to have all the data necessary at your fingertips for making manually entries into an accounting systems.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

Backend Repairs

Diners card now works correctly.
Writing Off partially paid amounts now works.
Sending monthly Billing Statements to Accounts with credit balances now works correctly.
Combining Bill Timing settings of Activity Monthly and Activity Daily Money Owed now works correctly.
dbck no longer reports errors when Send To Closed or Offset is POSTBILL are used.
Deleting a Beginning Balance record with associated Tax Detail records now deletes the Tax Detail records.
closeofday no longer sets nextusage date for Services in Prospective State.
The rare circumstance under which collections by IPPay and what is recorded in BillMax differing by a penny no longer occurs.

Backend Improvements

closeofday DoInvoicing no longer discards all invoices on a single invoice failure. Successful invoices are retained.
Service Change with prebill settings now works as one would hope. The new amount is billed an the time of prebilling but provisioning is deferred to the new service start date.
Deferred billing transactions no longer Summarized when a Billing Statement is created.
Write Offs report no longer times out on large datasets.

Staff Interface Repairs

Display of ticketing upon creation for User Tab now works correctly.
Major improvements made in interface speed by constructing final output on the server.
Cloning an Authorized User now works correctly.
Adding a Hard Copy fee with no description is trapped now as an error.
Can create a batchgroup with a number in the name.
Can create a beginning balance with a cash credit.
When an invalid password is submitted, a description of how the password should be formed is displayed.
Adding subsequent attachments to messages in the ticketing system now works correctly.
Subordinate Services are billed when Service is RENEWed from the Staff Portal.
Initial Billings for a Service may now be automatically credited to a Sales Agent.
Many modifications made to make Sales Agent handling consistent between Services and One Time Sales.
Datetoreopen icon on dialog for Account/User/Service now populates date field.

Staff Interface Improvements

Tax rates are now specified using percentages rather than decimals.
Can specify a value of 0 for Password Days if PCI mode is turned off (NOT RECOMMENDED).
Account Page with many Profiles to choose from now loads quickly.
Services and Service Definitions may now be flagged as TAX NOTAPPLICABLE.
installtheme now works for new ThemeRoller file format.

Report Repairs

Account and Transaction numbers now interpreted as numbers, not text.

Data Import Improvements

doprofiles now populates only batch delivery methods for Invoice and Billing Statement entries.

Testing Menu Repairs

Snapshot list is refreshed when a Snapshot is taken.

Customer Portal Improvements

Templates for resetting password and login now have correct URL path.
Sort order of Billing Statements/Invoices now works as one would expect.

Other Improvements

Modified Invoice and Billing Statements to make amount due more prominent.

BillMax 2012 4Q 4.0.3160 10/30/2012

Major New Functionality

New Ticketing System

  • Integrates with email.
  • Supports multiple queues for differentiating broad classes of tickets (billing vs. support vs. sales etc.)
  • Supports multiple teams with multiple team members to distribute the tickets to the appropriate responsible parties.
  • Problem/Resolutions per queue.
  • Movement from queue to queue for rudimentary workflow processing.

New Discounting Methodology

  • Specify percentage discounts at the Account, User and/or Service.
  • Specify exipration of discounts at the Account, User and/or Service
  • Automatically generate 100% Store Credits for individual Services
  • Automatically generate 100% Store Credits for usage for individual Service
  • Display on the bill usage information even if the billing is $0.00.

Context Sensitive Help in the Form of Tool Tips. Major setup pages have been done.

New functionality for writing of the balance of an Account.

Routine Enhancements and Repairs

Backend Repairs

Display of selected Provisioning values on Statements/Invoices now works consistently.
Changing a Service State from Prospective to Open now sets Start Date and Next Invoice Date correctly.
RADIUS program switch "-F" now specified as default to instantiate BillMax RADIUS processing
BillMax_TemplateSend now reports correct error message from sending program when sending program fails.
dbck no longer displays an error when Profile/Bill Timing/Post Pending Transaction Daily is checked.
Non taxable Late Fees now honor the tax region of the Account rather than being classified as Not Applicable.
Creating a Deposit Return no longer generates phextra error.
accesscheck no longer changes at/atrm ownership/permissions if linked in /usr/local/billmax/local.
Electronic Payment results in logs now display Virtual Company correctly.
Electronic Payments now no longer have the potential to be booked to wrong account.

Backend Improvements

Modification of Credit Card/Electronic Check information now resets the Next Try Date and Number of Consecutive Failures.
Added SEC value for Credit Card/Electronic Check processor for SEC code. Overrides what is specified in interface.
Expiration date information for historical Credit Card Payments that may be used for Refunds is now updated when the expiration date on card is updated.
Pending Late Fees are now Posted daily.
Search order for predefined searches now defaults to sorting of values from search field.
accesscheck now set ownership/permissions of /usr/local/billmax/tmp.
Virtual Company setting Retry interval and Maximum Number of Attempts now may be 0. Allows for trying daily until manual intervention.

Staff Interface Repairs

Deleting Service in the Prospective State now works.
Documents search off of Account Page now styles buttons correctly.
Verbiage on Credit Card/Electronic Check payment page now "Total Due".
Modifying "Auto Allocate" setting on Invoices now carries down to Sales/Store Credits on the Invoice.
Sales Items now display the Billing Display value correctly.
Datacall selection fields for choosing what goes on a report now display correctly.
Credit Card/Electronic Check refunds now work again. Bug introduced when Receipts were introduced.
Service Definition setting useplaintextpass now honored.
Payment amounts may no longer be edited if part of a Billing Statement.
Spelling Corrections on Package Service Definitions tab.
Chrome file upload works. There are no oustanding Chrome issues.
A Credit Card/Electronic Check decline no longer required a manual reload of the Account to continue editing the Account.
One Time Items are no longer selections on the User and Account Page. This also corrects a reported double billing error.
Account overview now updates when Reversal/Return transactions are Posted.
POP Region list for Services By Location report now includes all POP Regions.
Closed Users/Services now can be displayed if first tab displayed on an Account page is the Users/Services tab.
Stay Connected now works for non-Administrative IDs.
Search based on User information no longer fails if a User has multiple emails separated by commas.

Staff Interface Improvements

Search for Accounts limited to Open/Suspended States (new installs).
Search functionality now includes "!=".
Execute Provisioning Hook setting moved to Provisioning tab. Allows access to setting during Service creation.
When timed out, a re-login dialog is now displayed.
Deletion of Pending Sales Returns/Pending Store Credits Reversals/Pending Deposit Returns/Payment Reversals/Refund Reversals all now prompt for verfication.
Bulk Payments page now puts focus on Amount field after successful search for Account.
Deposits Billed on Service Page now displays correctly after Posting a Deposit Return.
Credit Card Type now displayed correctly when displaying Credit Card Information from the Account Page.
Billing Statement entries now display on Invoice customers to allow deletion of Billing Statement in order to edit Invoices belonging to the Billing Statement.
Dialog of options now displayed when for Account/User/Service when a State change occurs.
Billing Statement creation now works consistently.
Editing a One Time Item Sale no longer makes it non-taxable.
Backdating of enddate allowed.
Percentage field may now be entered as percentages rather than using the decimal equivalents.
Delineate Services to belong to Packages only on creation.
Creation of second User for an Account no longer causes login ID conflict.

Report Improvements

Sales Tax report now includes "Tax Not Applicable" amounts so that totals match Sales Report.

Report Repairs

report_memorized no longer fails with status 139.
PDF version of Aging Report displays again.

Data Import Repairs

runimports now deletes old Service Change entries.

Data Import Improvements

Profile Creation/Assocation with Account greatly improved.
Whem importing Services, may now do lookpups for associated Service Definition.
Increased size of importid fields to accomodate Quick Books IDs.

Testing Menu Repairs

Usage data now entered correctly. Measurement defaulted to Service measurement.

BillMax 2012 4.0.2942 08/28/2012

Staff Interface Repairs

Billing Statements can now be created again.

Data Import Repairs

preprocessing.sql now deletes existing servicechange records.

BillMax 2012 4.0.2937 08/22/2012

Staff Interface Enhancements

Reciepts are now available.
Saving a payment and bringing up a Reciepts or a Billing Statement is now available.
Future Billings report is now available.
Write Off functionality/Reporting is now available.
Write Off and Beginning Balance included in Roll Forward report.

Staff Interface Repairs

Calendar icon now works with Chrome
Checkbox selections now work under JQuery 1.7+

Backend Repairs

Cash Sales report now include Beginning Balance allocations.
dbck no longer flags Services in Prospective State as an error in Invoice Day of Month is 0.

Backend Enhancements

Proration of Annual Service now works correctly.

Customer Portal Repairs

Saving a service now takes into account settings on the Service Definition for uniqueness of names.

BillMax 2012 4.0.2887 07/17/2012

Staff Interface Enhancements

Timeout behavior greatly improved with option to keep session alive.
Invoices and Billing Statements verbiage changed from CLOSE to POST.

Staff Interface Repairs

Executing a Service Change from a Package Service Definition to a non-Package Service Definition now show the Service in the interface.
Selecting "Do No Apply Prebilldays" no longer turns a Service Definition into a Package Definition.
Package Services tab now displays Services belonging to the Package.
ADD button on User page for a Package now works.
Tax Region for Miscellaneous Store Credits now honored.

Backend Repairs

Accounts without email addresses no longer generate warning messages when sending Notices.

Backend Enhancements

Can now create a Sales Return for a sale of which the amount is 0.
Future postdate now honored with Activity Daily statement sending option.
Can now specify daily posting of pending transactions for Billing Statement customers without sending a document.
Tax amounts removed from Store Credit Activity report.

Document Enhancements

Statements now show duedate and remaining due for Invoices.
PAID IN FULL now display on Invoices that are paid.
Option on Service Definition to display Provisioning fields on Invoices/Billing Statements.
Virtual Company phone number now displayed on documents..

Customer Portal Repairs

Service Definition defaults now populated in portal during registration.
Registration no longer fails if image for logo not specified.
Adding a credit card no longer generates HTTP Header error.

BillMax 2012 4.0.2753 06/05/2012

Staff Interface Enhancements

FAX to printer for manual faxing may now be specified.
Credit Card or Bank payment page no longer display unless payment information is available.

Staff Interface Repairs

Reopen Closed and Refund Deposits from the Miscellaneous tabs for Accounts, Users and Services now works correctly.
Date now displays on PDF reports.
Requeue Documents now display all document states for selection.
General Account reports now show financial columns for spreadsheets correctly.
Account state options are now displayed when the account is in COLLECTIONS.
Account document search no longer fails is searching on Rendered File or Version.
Add Filter for customizing a search now works for Internet Explorer.

Backend Repairs

Date now displays on PDF reports.
send_documents continues after a single job failure rather than quitting completely.
Gross Receipts prints account name and account number in correct columns.
requeue_documents no longer generates a SQL error on date range re-queues.
Installation now specifies a session timeout of 900 seconds, the same as PCI.
Relabelled "balancear" to "Roll Forward A/R" for clarity.
Roll Forward A/R now works for summary only.
Roll Forward A/R ending balance now displayed correctly.
For processors that handle the information, passing a recurring=yes flag helps prepaid cards be processed.
CVNum fully implemented
Fixed AUTH credit card processing

Backend Enhancements

Implemented CAPTURE credit card processing
Implemented VOID credit card processing
Sensitive credit card and bank data masked in logs.

Data Import Repairs

Service Class honored for Service Definition.
Sample Type for Stats.
Nominal Price now set correctly on historical financials.
Tiers now imported correctly.

Data Import Enhancements

Flags added for importdata to signal d02 should not be encrypted as the import data is already encrypted.

New Reports

Service by Location.
Prospective Service.
Store Credit Activity.
Marketing Detail including account numbers.
Gross Receipts.

New Functionality

closeofday now removes credit card information and bank information after the account has been closed more than 45 days.

Major New Functionality

Classify Authorized Users as a Sales Agent.
Add Multiple Sales Agents to a Service for recurring billing.
Add Multiple Sales Agents to one time Sales/Credits.
Report Sales and Credits including Sales Returns and Credit Reversal by Sales Agent on a Cash or Accrual basis.

BillMax 2012 4.0.2615 04/20/2012

Staff Interface Enhancements

Downloaded Spreadsheets are now Open Document Format 1.2 compliant with the exception that the manifest:version attribute is not included as MicroSoft Excel considers it corrupt if included.
Report of current Deposits billed and/or held added.
Sending of Email Templates fails gracefully if the email address are not specified.

Staff Interface Repairs

Online EFP processing periodically would supply incorrect allocation information. Changes have been made to address this.
Entering Payments through the Bulk Entry interface now works under Internet Explorer.
Tax Group on Sale Items now editable and honored.

Backend Repairs

create_applies sets the cleardate correctly for voided payhists.
Grand Totals line for report_aging are now correct.
Database Checking now flags an Open Service Change for a Closed Service as an error.
Database Checking now print the Service number with Service Change error messages.
Database Checking no longer prints a spurious documentdataformat error.
create_applies now allocates to unfunded refunds future payments first, then most recent past payments.

Data Import Repairs

Financial transactions are passed through standard validation after import for an account is complete.
Account numbers are printed by importdata with there are EFP data errors.
Service Change table now handled by importdata.
Financial data import now sets invoice duedate by summary duedate.
Financial data import now creates correct allocations for Refunds.
Financial data import now handles Deposit Refunds from BillMax 2.2.
Financial data import now uses the first transaction date as the postdate for an invoice.
Financial data import now generates unique Invoice numbers based on account and number of Invoices.
Financial data import no longer tries to create spurious tax detail records for Deposit Charges.
Financial data import now sets summary fields to summary number.

BillMax 2012 4.0.2559 04/06/2012

Customer Portal New Functionality

Account email may now be specified during registration rather than always using Customer Portal Login ID if it was an email.
Cusomer Portal now includes functionality to reset/request a Login ID using the registered User Email Address.
Cusomer Portal now includes functionality to reset password using the registered User Email Address and existing Customer Portal Login ID.

Customer Portal Enhancements

/etc/init.d/bx_edge will start edge if needed without intervention due to EDGE_USER and EDGE_GROUP being defaulted to the BillMax System user in billmax.conf.

Staff Interface New Functionality

May now download the print files generated during nightly batch processing.

Backend Repairs

/usr/local/billmax/tmp/.svn is no longer removed by managefiles
More files in /usr/local/billmax/logs are managed by managefiles. See /usr/local/billmax/local/manageFiles for more details.
WarnGraceDates in closeofday now works for multiple profiles.

Data Import Repairs

Virtual Company Default Invoice Day now mapped correctly to Profile Billing Day of Month.

Upgrade New Functionality

New System Templates may now be added to while preserving existing customer edits.

Installation Repairs

PHPTAL installation file is now retrieved correctly again after file name change on PHPTAL server.

BillMax 2012 4.0.2531 03/20/2012

Staff Interface Enhancements

datetoreopen now allowed to be specified in the past.
New System Templates may be added.

Staff Interface Repairs

Deleting a Billing Statement no longer timesout.
Spelling error for CSS class in servdef.tmp fixed.

Backend Repairs

Account order now maintaing in print jobs.
XML reference to logo cleaned up.
Third invoice method now handled correctly.
loadenv handles monetary amounts correctly.
TaxGroups without taxitems handled gracefully.
Payments with allocation errors now entered with noautoallocate set.


iptables for port 443 now set correctly.
Adding files to repository no longer fails due to apache ServerName not set.
Reopening Closed Service now bills from invdate instead of startdate.
Billing Dates now rolled back if created and then an error occurs saving the Service.

Data Import Repairs

doextract now honors the account email.
serviceclass now honored.

BillMax 2012 4.0.2467 02/29/2012

Staff Interface New Functionality

Can now specify billing of individual Service Definition to ignore Profile PreBill settings.

Staff Interface Repairs

Resources description now required to match dbck error checking.
Corrected rare condition where invoice sent from interface did not match viewed invoice.
Saving the detail of a sales report in a database table now works.
Tax Detail records are now deleted when an account is deleted.
Sorting of email templates now takes into account sortorder in addition to name.
Sort Order in Usage Based Billing defaulted to 0.
Default for Automated Refunds on Profiles now set on Account when Profile set.
Service Store Credits now book correctly. Under certain conditions Tax Included would be assumed.
Entering a Beginning Balance flags the customer as old customer and no longers triggers a statement if New Accounts set on Profile.
Sales View tab on Customer Portal not active until new Edge record created.
Customer Portal Profiles now display correctly when Virtual Company changed.
Credit card decline fees, decline counts and email warning are disabled during interactive processing.

Customer Portal New Functionality

Latest payment tender number now displayed.
Service Definition sort order is now used in Customer Portal.
Activate Services Page now has link back to main account page.
If already logged in, checkout from the store front no longer requires a re-login.
Support for muiltple Edge records now effectives allowing edge per Virtual Company per Profile with different inventories.
Credit Card/Electronic Check payments are collected before service creation.
Credit card decline fees, decline counts and email warning are disabled during interactive processing.

Customer Portal Repairs

Default for Automated Refunds on Profiles and Immune now set on Account Registration.
Latest payment information shows up correctly.
Displaying multiple invoices (Regular invoice/Deposit Invoice) now works correctly.
Can now create a Deposit Invoice during purchase.
Adding a batch Electronic Payment Method no longers deactivates all other batch payment methods. Only does so for those associated with the account for the new batch method.
Error handling in edgelib.php no longer refers to an undefined variable.
Subsequent credit card now tested if previous credit card failed during registration.

Data Import Repairs

Data import now work for mixed case Authorized User names.
Historical financials from 2.x versions of BillMax now honor differing tax groups on sales and credits when allocated to each other.
bx22finhist and bx208finhist now handle returns of refunds correctly.
Virtual Company set to All by default for imported Authorized Users.

Backend Features

Zero dollar Sales Returns are no longer reported as an error.
Standardized on BX_SYS_USER for application/hook processing.

Backend Repairs

Magic line for xml2xml now correct.
Prebilldays now honored. Intermediate release had a bug.
Credit card processing setup errors no longer generate blank errors messages in the Customer Portal.

Database Upgrades

Made datacall IPv6 compatible. Widened other identification fields.
New index for the taxdetail table results in dramatically improved performance for dbck.


PDF/API2 now installed correctly on CentOS 6.x. sendmail, cups, portal packages, DataBill packages now installed by default.

BillMax 2012 4.0.2274 12/08/2011

Staff Interface New Functionality

Beginning Balances may be entered from the interface including tax detail.

Staff Interface Repairs

Default setting on Profiles for immune from suspension honored at account creation.
Rates on invoices when quantity not equal to 1 show up as dollars and fractions of dollars, not cents.
UNDOing or DELETEing an invoice no longer allowed if part of a retail statement. Must undo the retail statement first.

Customer Portal New Functionality

Change Portal Password via the Portal.
Submit login pages using the enter key in the last input field.
If credit card fails, consumer offered a second chance.
Service address defaulted account address.
Expired Credit Cards may not be entered.
Customer time out displays alert and takes customer back to login.htm page.

Customer Portal Repairs

Beginning Balance amounts not displayed.
Second Security question during login never displayed.
Second Security question during login did not ever pass authentication.
Default setting on Profiles for billing method honored at account creation.
Loading GIF removed on electronic payment record creation.
Choosing the Create Account link clears all unnecessary information from cache.

Data Import Features

Financial history import program for 2.0.8 conversions and one for 2.2 conversions.
Enhanced performance for 1.5 financial history conversions.
Directory importtools for importing data was released.

Data Import Repairs

Corrected dbschema file for 2.0.8 conversions.
Nextusage date on service is set if nulldate supplied or missing.
Cyclept is populated.
doextract22 extracts refundmax with correct sign.
Purchasing no longers fails silently if no portal document method specified in a profile.
Activate Services returns cleanly.
Clicking on menu no longer show JSON under certain circumstances.

Testing Menu Repairs

INDEX button functional.

BillMax 2012 4.0.2221 11/08/2011

Only Batch Process Group 1 could be run from the interface.
For a batch process record, the employee number rather than name was displayed.
Saving a Service Definition with "Use User Login ID as Service Name" would error without clear indication as to why.
Cloning a Batch Group failed due to the use of the Batch Group name as a filename.
Creating a Batch Process silently failed due to invalid data.
Added Batch Process Monitoring.
Selection list of accounts would be shown for Batch Payment when searching even when list was empty.
service_hook didn't allow PROSPECTIVE state.
archivetable excludes records where the search criteria reference a data field that is populated with "0000-00-00".
Viewing a billing statement via customer portal failed.
When ordering through the customer portal, display of the invoice or billing statement used the Electronic Payment Due Days, Payment Days values for duedate and collection date. In actuality the credit card or electronic check is processed immediately or the order fails. The dates were changed to reflect the date of the order.
The document number presentation on invoices and billing statements was reworked to show the number being presented with the label of the document type.
Loading the demonstration data set multitax failed.
Silent failure would occur when a security question is required by the customer portal login process but no security question was avaliable for the user logging in.
"Save Needed" would appear for Batch Payment when search fields modified.
Data import set the SEC code for electronic checks to TEL (5) when it should be PPD (4).
Emailing documents to multiple email addresses fails if there are spaces surrounding a comma separator.
archivetable failed if used on an empty table
BillMax doextract suite treated wsetup and wdeposit incorrectly.