Bookkeeping / Concepts |
Bank Deposits are a means of grouping Payments, Refunds, Payment Reversals and Refund Reversals such that the sum of the transactions match an amount on an external statement such as a bank account statement or a credit card transaction report. These may be used for auditing or reconciling purposes.
When an IIF file is created, Bank Deposits, created in the Staff Portal, are used to create a QuickBooks® deposit transaction into the bank account specified on the BillMax Bank Deposit. The funds for the QuickBooks® deposit transaction come from the BillMax tender bank accounts created and funds populated in QuickBooks® by the IIF file.
When a CSV file is created for NetSuite®, Bank Deposits are used to create a deposit transaction into the bank account specified on the BillMax Bank Deposit using the Description. The funds for the NetSuite® deposit transaction come from the BillMax tender bank accounts created and funds populated into the NetSuite® CSV file.