Our BillMax Core REST API allows seamless integration with our billing solutions, offering developers a standardized way to access and manipulate customer data, billing information, and service provisioning. From the website, explore our Swagger page to interact with our API endpoints in a user-friendly environment, where you can test requests, view responses, and understand how to integrate our robust billing functionalities into your applications effortlessly.

Instructions for setup can be found on your server at: /usr/local/billmax/restApis.

Currently there are two supported modes using the REST API. These are controlled by the USER_AUTH variable in the/usr/local/billmax/restApis/billmaxCoreApi/v1/.env file.

Currently supported are
- only the API key is needed, all POST/PATCH actions are logged as "billmax".
- the API key is needed. In addition, the /login endpoint is used to pass back a BXSESSIONID, and this value should be passed in the http header as a Bearer token for subsequent calls to the API. Example:
api_key: asdf 
Content-Type: application/json 
Authorization: Bearer 14741E3548AF080F59A18B64BC5AE1E8