Configure Service Availability

  1. If the Customer Portal REST endpoint prequalify is to be used, set up a Remote Application for the Customer Portal. See Setup the Customer Portal (CentOS 7).
  2. If, when creating an Account using the Staff Portal, it is desired Service Availability Determination be done by default, set the Account Profile setting Check Service Availability to Yes.
  3. At least one Queue must be created. See Ticketing.
  4. Edit the BillMax ServiceAvailability List and specify the numeric values for:
    The Virtual Company to which new Accounts will be added. If not specified, the Virtual Company of the Remote Application for Service Availability will be used.
    The Account Profile which will be assigned to new Accounts. If not specified, the Account Profile of the Remote Application for Service Availability will be used.
    If no Service Availability Sources are defined, the number of the Queue to which a new installation Ticket will be assigned.
    If no Service Availability Sources are defined, the number of the Issue of a new installation Ticket. If not specified, no Issue will be set.
    If no Service Availability Sources are defined, the number from the List infrastructuretechs for the User Technology setting.
  5. Edit the file /usr/local/billmax/portal.v2/config/edge.php and set value for the following:
    Names and prices of Service Definitions with a both Sell Online and Preview Online will be shown if the customer can get service.
    Additional form fields to capture data will be displayed if the customer can get service. Data that has the attribute data-note will be captured as a Ticket Note, User Location Note and Account Note. To modify what data is captured, edit the blade /usr/local/billmax/portal.v2/resources/views/BillMax/Portal/TC.blade.php#coverage.
    The Customer Portal REST endpoint after a successful registration. Typically this will be shop.