These steps will ensure that Quickbooks® Desktop can be updated
with an IIF file created by BillMax.
Choose to review and update the lists in BillMax for Quickbooks®.
Note: Accounts can be classified in BillMax by Charge Type (how revenue is
made), Service Class or Service Definition. Charge Type classification
is recommended.
Select the list named chargetypes and add a
List Item for each revenue category. The
first six are reserved by BillMax.
Note: The first time you run the Bookkeeping Report after your initial
entries into this list, BillMax will give you a list of missing mappings
to add.
Select the list named qbincomeaccount and add a
List Item for each item that should be mapped
to a revenue account. The Item is the Account
Classification by grouping, each separated by a colon. The
Value is the Quickbooks Income Account.
Select the list bankaccounts and add a
List Item for each Quickbooks bank account.
The Item is the name of the bank. The
Value is greater than or equal to 1.
As each Package and Service Definition is created, choose the appropriate
Charge Type.
Choose to see the report and create the IIF file.
Set the Start Date and End
Date .
Choose Date Grouping.
Choose Companies to report on.
Choose Type of Sales Report and
Choose Account Classification.
Click and sort the Grouping options so that the order of the options
match the grouping options in qbincomeaccount for
each item.
Click Run Report to preview the information and
click Download IIF to verify the mappings appear
correctly by editing the resulting file.
Create an Option Set to retain these settings
for each file creation in the future.
Import the resulting CSV file into a test instance of Quickbooks to verify that
all the mappings come across as expected.