Turn a Staff Portal Input Field into a Yes/No Selection

  1. Edit the appropriate template file in /usr/local/billmax/uatemplates. For example, edit /usr/local/billmax/uatemplates/account.tmp.
  2. Make the edits as shown in the example. A value of 1 will be associated with "Yes" and 0 will be associated with "No".
    <label for="accountMisc01">Address Line</label>
    <input id="accountMisc01" type="text" name="misc01" value="##Fmisc01#"/>
    <label for="accountMisc01">Address Line</label>
    <select id="accountMisc01" name="misc01">
        <option value="1" @TEST(##Fmisc01#,1,selected="selected",)>Yes</option>
        <option value="0" @TEST(##Fmisc01#,0,selected="selected",)>No</option>