Concepts / Billing Documents |
Billing Documents are rendered as HTML for viewing in a browser or PDF for sending via email as an attachment or printed and mailed.
Billing Documents are created by transforming XML data into HTML for web browsers or XSL:FO which is subsequently transformed into PDF.
The XML and subsequent rendered output is stored in /usr/local/billmax/documents. Logs files of the transformations are stored in /usr/local/billmax/logs and may contain valuable debugging information.
The default XSL transformation files are /usr/local/billmax/cfg/xsltfiles/html/documents.xsl for HTML and /usr/local/billmax/cfg/xsltfiles/fo/documents.xsl for XSL:FO and subsequently PDF.
The optional logo is specified on the Virtual Company.
The transformation occurs only once for a Posted document for performance reasons. As a results, changes to the logo or to the XSL transformation files will not show up on Posted documents that have already been rendered.