How BillMax Solves Key ISP Billing Challenges

BillMax is a Customer Relationship Management system designed specifically to address the special needs of - and enhance opportunities for - Internet Service and VoIP Providers.

Customer Management

Follow a customer’s complete life cycle with BillMax’s comprehensive business processes. Track your customer from an initial inquiry, through scheduling of a technician, billing, payment processing, and correspondence to resolve any issues.

Improved Customer Experience

BillMax uses automation throughout its software to reduce errors in billing, allow for automatic service provisioning and improve cash flow. Offer better customer service with less administrative burden through BillMax’s automatic reminders, overdue notices, referral rewards, and expiring discounts. Customer’s can use our intuitive customer portal to sign up and manage their services all on their own.

Comprehensive View of Business

Gain insight into history, trends, opportunities, and health of your business through BillMax reports. Reporting for taxing and government authorities is included. BillMax will help you avoid letting small problems multiply.

Integration for the Ultimate Solution

Extend BillMax or integrate it with other third-party applications for a “best of breed” system. Many integrations already exist and will help you tailor BillMax to your specific needs and budget.

Lower Operating Costs

BillMax helps you grow your business without adding personnel. It is built to scale and priced to help you remain competitive, whether you’re just starting out or managing tens of thousands of customers and beyond.