How BillMax Solves Key WISP Billing Challenges

BillMax is designed to support Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs) with a suite of advanced features, helping you streamline operations and drive growth.

Automated Geocoding

Know precisely where your customers are located. When a Service address is initially entered, BillMax will return a latitude/longitude pair. This pair may be overridden if an even more exact representation is known. BillMax uses the Lat/Long to retrieve the State, County, and Census information on the location- making reporting easier for you. The BDC Location ID may also be tracked.


Track towers in BillMax by their physical address and specify the type of Service offered. Add custom fields to capture any specific data desired. BillMax will geocode the tower and determine the FIPS and Census information. Store images and Notes on the tower for a complete record. Use Ticketing to schedule regular maintenance.


Track Access Points as well in BillMax and connect them to the Tower they belong to. Add custom fields to capture any specific data desired. Add coverage via shapefile or a radius in miles with a Sector Azimuth and Beam Width. Store images and Notes on an AP for a complete record. Tickets can be opened and tracked for an AP also.

Service Map by AP

View all Services on an Access Point on a map. The color of the Access Point will match the color of the Services that it is connect too. Identify all unconnected Services which show up as black.

Email Customers by POP/AP

Notify customers on one or more Towers or Access Points when a POP/AP is having an issue or a scheduled maintenance window. Select the Template to email and restrict the notification to the selected customers you wish. You can run a test and verify who will receive the email before sending it.

BDC Report

Meet your FCC obligations more easily with a BillMax generated CSV report file. BillMax merges the uploaded serviceable addresses (Fabric Data) with the FCC required meta data(speeds, technology code, etc.) and coverage polygons to produce the required file to upload to the FCC web site.

Broadband Labels

To support the FCC requirement for Broadband Labels, BillMax has implemented a way to create a label for each stand-alone mass-marketed broadband access service plan. BillMax’s easy to use solution offers ISPs a streamlined way to provide clear, accurate, and standardized information to customers. This service not only simplifies regulatory adherence but also supports the requirement of storing each label for a minimum of two years in an archive that is retrievable in an effortless way. BillMax also has two REST API endpoints to retrieve the label for a certain service for an individual customer and service definition.