BillMax is designed to be customized, if desired, by the end consumer. The interface is a
combination of HTML, J Query and JavaScript. The server side binaries are written in ANSII C
and the source code is available. The library functions not available for customization.
BillMax uses Subversion to manage combine local changes to a file and BillMax changes to a
file upon an upgrade. It is required that after making a modification to a file that the file
be committed to the Subversion repository using the
filename. If a C file is modified, this also includes the resulting
binary file.
Warning: Uncommitted files will cause an upgrade to abort. If this
occurs commit the uncommitted files and restart the upgrade.
Unless there are special circumstances, it a mandatory that all edits, creation of new
files, etc. be done by the BillMax system user, typically billmax. If done
by a different system user, BillMax may become inoperable.
If customizing BillMax is desired, it is recommended that you take advantage of the 250
Account development license that is included with leasing BillMax. This enables you to run
BillMax on another server and test changes before affecting the production server.